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27th March 2019
I spent most of yesterday doing some techy reading, and planning ahead for Shoebox's future.
Views 79, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog , Shoebox , Thinking
26th March 2019
Not really sure where yesterday's Strings game came from! I wasn't expecting to code anything at all, but I think my Sunday Day-Off left me clambering to code something.
Views 105, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
25th March 2019
A new game has appeared in the Shoebox. ..Not sure how well this one will go down! You can Play Shoebox of Games here. You'll find Word Tubes amongst the Word games.
Views 175, Upvotes 16  
25th March 2019


Played a few times and managed to beat the AI half the times. Only weird thing I noticed is that when player wins sometimes both the orange and some blue pieces nearby seem to animate. Indeed. The flashing is done by the AI. Where the AI sees a possible win, it triggers the flashing, and occasionally it bleeds through into weird areas.
Views 70, Upvotes 15  
25th March 2019
The "Four in-a Row" AL has been upgraded a little, this morning. It's not "Evil", and can still be beaten every other game, but it's making less mistakes than it was, earlier. Not a complete rewrite of the AI, but a fairly significant redoing of the way that the AI finds a final placement.
Views 132, Upvotes 19  
24th March 2019
Honestly, I might rest a bit, today. It is Sunday, after all.
Views 107, Upvotes 19  
Daily Blog , Shoebox , Foldapuz
23rd March 2019
Mere hours after his first appearance, and Michael Fernie's relative (Rebecca) has submitted the first FanArt of the Shoebox's AI buddy, AL. Absolutely awesome! Thank you, Rebecca!
Views 134, Upvotes 18  
23rd March 2019
This morning, I posted a picture with Greenie at the side of the Four in-a Row board, and wondered if I should attempt to integrate Greenie into the game, somehow.
Views 84, Upvotes 19  
23rd March 2019
The latest sounds have been added to the Shoebox framework, along with a bunch of tweaks to various games to account for the new sounds. In addition, I've now added a trashcan to the game selection screen, which will erase the scores for the selected game mode. Tap it on the bottom right, then tap again on the bottom left, to erase your scores. This is most useful when playing the two-player form of Four in-a Row, as you can reset whenever you need to.
Views 92, Upvotes 20  
23rd March 2019
I'll be trying to tweak the audio engine again, today, to see if I can do 0.25-second length sounds, and have them play on all the usual browser targets.
Views 93, Upvotes 27  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
22nd March 2019
So, time to add a board game.
Views 115, Upvotes 24  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
20th March 2019
Crikey, that got big, fast!!
Views 136, Upvotes 24  
20th March 2019


I'm not THAT unknown. I'm the one that pestered you about rss Oh, THAT Alan! Hello, Alan!!
Views 79, Upvotes 21  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
19th March 2019
Made a Yahtzee Clone, today. To keep things as legal as possible, the scoring is marginally different, so be sure to read through the rules to get to grips with the exact sets of dice that you can get points for. You can play Shoebox of Games here. "Dice Rolls" can be found in the new "Misc" section, where I've shifted Leapfrog to, so be aware of that. In my head, Misc = "Can be played in reality" whereas Extra = "Probably a little bit too videogamey to count as a proper ShoeBox game!" As alway...
Views 170, Upvotes 17  
19th March 2019
A few quick tweaks and a change to the "Game Over" parameters, which also required the drawing of a generic trophy icon!! Accordion is now part of the ShoeBox, overwriting what used to be "Trails". The game now brings up a little Trophy on the bottom left, if you've got less than 5 piles remaining (+ whatever's left in the draw deck). The Accordion rules state that any leaps should be "over 2", not "over 1" like I had it with Trails, so in order to make things a little less frustrating, I&#...
Views 167, Upvotes 20  
19th March 2019


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accordion_(solitaire) Awesome!! Thanks Alan!! Note : I so very very very nearly deleted your comment because, without any additional text, it just looked so much like a standard spam-bot link! Sincere apologies if 100,000 other people have already sent me such replies, and I've been clicking the delete button on them all!!!
Views 113, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
18th March 2019


The pixel art and the normal font in the menu screens seemed at odds with each other. All other screens I like the fonts that are used.
Views 184, Upvotes 29  
18th March 2019


The fonts also might need to be changed to a pixel art font to make it look good. Early font-test prototype I coded this a few weeks ago, to see if web-fonts did actually work properly on as many browsers as I could find, and ... for the most part, they seemed to work just fine, meaning I can technically create my own pixel-style font, upload it to the server and have it work without too many issues.
Views 176, Upvotes 26  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
17th March 2019
I've switched the icons on the ShoeBox menu from being "crappy scrawls" to being pixelart.. I personally think they look a little better, but what do you think?
Views 121, Upvotes 20  
17th March 2019
Today's new addition to the ShoeBox is a simple anagram game. Try to score as many points as you can from the rack of tiles that you have. If you can't find a word, you can use the Swap button, but each one will use up one of your moves. (You have a limit of 3 swaps when playing timed mode) As with Strings mode, you'll need to try to beat your previous highscore to count the game as a "Win" You can Play Shoebox here, where you'll find Score Rack in the Word Games menu.
Views 85, Upvotes 20  
17th March 2019
Views 95, Upvotes 22  
Shoebox , Words
16th March 2019
Hmm.. Browser incompatibilities fail me again!!
Views 115, Upvotes 21  
16th March 2019
There are an awful lot of elements that it would be great to add to the Shoebox framework, but first a few additional framework chunks need to be integrated.
Views 98, Upvotes 22  
Daily Blog , Shoebox
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AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai