51 results (0) 1
28th January 2022
I've changed the way Solutions work on Foldapuz.
Views 100, Upvotes 16  
Foldapuz Blog
8th July 2019
The traditional Word Wheel. Try to find as many anagrams as you can, ensuring that each word contains the central letter. There's one complete word in the wheel. Can you find it? You can Try out Word Wheel here or wait for it to show up in regular Foldapuz selections.
Views 265, Upvotes 21  
Foldapuz Blog
1st July 2019
In this game, each square's value is the distance from Square Zero, counting steps towards the target. Try your best to triangulate the approximate position of the target square. You can Play Far Away here, or simply wait for it to show up in amongst the daily Foldapuz selection.
Views 130, Upvotes 27  
Foldapuz Blog
24th June 2019
A simple little word puzzle, today. Add letters from the top to bottom, or remove letters from the bottom to top, to make words which fill up the pyramid. You can either choose to jumble the letters in each word or not, but the original solution is designed without any jumbles. You can Play Word Pyramid here as part of the daily Foldapuz printable puzzle sheet.
Views 172, Upvotes 19  
Foldapuz Blog
4th June 2019
A simple, but effective little Anagram game. Four 7 letter words are laid out, along with 4 extra tiles at the bottom. Add one letter to each of the "racks", shuffle the letters, and try to make four 8 letter words. SPOILER (PROLINES) You can Play Extra Tiles here, or watch out for it showing up in regular Foldapuz circulation, as of tomorrow. -=-=- In addition, I've finally got around to fixing (I think!) Kakuro, which was previously oddly broken, so that puzzle is now back in the selecti...
Views 96, Upvotes 32  
Foldapuz Blog
31st March 2019
Much like I did to Shoebox, last night, I've spent a couple of hours trekking through the various blog posts here, and automated them to create a single History page for Foldapuz. Foldapuz Highlights. For those interested in the inner workings, all posts have a simple [highlight]Highlight Tag[/highlight] at the start of the post, which holds a small snippet that gets transferred to the History page. The history page grabs snippets from any page that includes the word Foldapuz within its tags, and...
Views 97, Upvotes 20  
Foldapuz Blog
7th March 2019
I've finally gotten around to adding a new maths puzzle to the site, today. Number Chain sees you filling in the operators so that the value at the top becomes the value at the bottom. Incidentally, It's been almost an entire month since I last added to Foldapuz! Must try harder..
Views 106, Upvotes 23  
Foldapuz Blog
10th February 2019
Added the new game Combinations to the fold. Fill in each of the two puzzles using only numbers 0 to 9, without any repetition. Each row and column has a total which you should attempt to achieve whilst filling in the grid. I'm not 100% sure how solvable these might be, so do let me know if they're insanely hard!
Views 589, Upvotes 19  
Foldapuz Blog
Linjat Blog
5th February 2019
Added a new logic puzzle, Linjat, to the Fold. Dots show areas that must be covered, whilst the numbers suggest the length of a "line" which must be placed either horizontally or vertically. There's an online version of the game here, created by the author of the puzzle. Permission to duplicate the puzzle type has, of course, been asked for and granted by the author Juho Snellman
Views 142, Upvotes 30  
Foldapuz Blog
28th January 2019
Added a new game, Scrambled Grid, to the fold. It's been a good week or so since I last added anything to Foldapuz, so I decided to spend a bit of time with the game, tonight. A few days ago, I found a lovely function in PHP which would allow me to do quick Anagram-Tests, and so I made full use of that, today. A set of 5 words are chosen at random, and shuffled about until an anagram can be found connecting them all together. Your challenge is to unscramble all 5 of the 6 letter words, and place t...
Views 102, Upvotes 25  
Foldapuz Blog
17th January 2019
Since I created Foldapuz, I've been posting all the updates to a single updates.html file, and.. As much as that's been functional, it's also been growing and growing and growing. JNKsg (The unnamed Sprite Generator thing) has been created in much the same way, with a similarly expanding updates.html file charting the progress of the site. Today I decided that's probably not the best way to do it, and so I've taken the contents of both of these update pages and (with a lot of datab...
Views 206, Upvotes 19  
Foldapuz Blog , Jnksg Blog
15th January 2019
A slight tweak to the Maths Maze generator, as it was making some puzzles far far too easy. I've now added a "20 or above" limit to the goal, which should help increase the difficulty level a little, as the previous day's puzzles all seemed to be a little too simplistic. I might yet tweak it a bit further to avoid repetition, but for now it's good enough.
Views 75, Upvotes 16  
Foldapuz Blog
14th January 2019
Added Maths Maze. A simple roam around a maze, totalling up scores to reach the target. Although these puzzles have multiple solutions, the "proper" method should only require four moves. Aside : It's been a few weeks since a new Puzzle game popped into my head, but lying awake at 3am seems to help!
Views 121, Upvotes 52  
Foldapuz Blog
Futoshiki Blog
23rd December 2018
Another new/classic game. Futoshiki is another sudoku-like puzzle. Each row and column contains all numbers 1 to 5. You must use the arrows to help guide the numbers. An arrow always points between a high number and a lower one. This is probably the fourth puzzle which makes use of the Wordoku premade 5x5 layouts! I might enhance this game to include 6, 7 or 8 sized layouts, but I'll need to make some larger layouts, first.
Views 72, Upvotes 20  
Foldapuz Blog
Kakuro Blog
20th December 2018
I started off the day by removing the single pre-drawn fence on Rebordered. Without the border, the game's now a bit harder. The one little border was making the whole puzzle a lot simpler than it should've been. Next, I added Kakuro. Each of the triangles hold a number, containing the total sum of the next few cells, either to the right or below. Your job is to fill in the digits. I'm not 100% convinced these are solvable, as I've yet to properly tackle one myself, but I'm sure...
Views 116, Upvotes 24  
Foldapuz Blog
19th December 2018
Added Rebordered.. Should probably call it "fences" but the sillier name seemed to go well with the font I found. Thanks to Tom Murphy for the wonderful fonts. Reusing the puzzle layouts from Wordoku, your task is to draw borders around groups of the silly faces/objects/etc, in such a way that all 5 symbols exist within each area.
Views 99, Upvotes 19  
Foldapuz Blog
15th December 2018
Added Slitherlink. It's a fairly standard puzzle game, but it's honestly not one I can manage to complete myself! Still, they generate well enough, and the solutions aren't always exact, so there's a bit of variety involved in the outcome. Draw one large looping line touching various points on the grid. The numbers show how many of the sides of each box are filled with part of the loop.
Views 105, Upvotes 24  
Foldapuz Blog
Multi Box Blog
14th December 2018
Added Multi Box, a grid of numbers and their products. Simply decide which numbers don't belong in the grid and cross them out. There should be 3 numbers in each row and column, along with their product. The number of puzzles in the engine is now reaching a point where each of the categories can have it's own set of puzzles on the default sheet. No longer does the default Maths sheet contain a few Word games, and Word sheets don't have random Logic puzzles in them. There's still the o...
Views 91, Upvotes 23  
Foldapuz Blog
12th December 2018
Added Find The King, which is another little Chess based puzzle. The enemy have swarmed, and are doing really alarmingly well, and you're down to your last piece. Your King is somewhere on the board, but where can he possibly be? Incidentally, this is the game I previously had in mind, here.
Views 97, Upvotes 18  
Foldapuz Blog
8th December 2018
Added Bracket Surgery, whereby you need to add two sets of brackets into the equation so that the result is correct. This game relies on your understanding of BODMAS, so if you're not "into" your maths, it might not appear that the original equation is incorrect! Rest assured, the maths have been checked, and the equation is wrong.
Views 104, Upvotes 24  
Foldapuz Blog
4th December 2018
Added Link Janitor, named after my AGameAWeek game of the same name. Link up the lettered pairs without crossing paths. I've not accounted for diagonals, so avoid those. They might be do-able with diagonals, and may be easier or harder, but they're not part of the puzzle, so.. Avoid!! The previous week's cleaning up of the structure meant that everything was a little easier to work with, today, although I did forget how to use some of my own functions. Previously, I could quickly Page-...
Views 96, Upvotes 20  
Foldapuz Blog
28th November 2018
A fair amount of icon drawing, today, as I tried my best to come up with some kind of over-arching style for the many different game icons. I'm not sure it's been that much of a success, if I'm honest, but at least I tried.
Views 52, Upvotes 15  
Foldapuz Blog
27th November 2018
I've spent a good couple of hours shuffling the script around a bit. Probably should've used includes from the start of this project, but.. Too lazy to do that kinda thing! The whole site is now split up into individual game scripts, so that the main script is a little more manageable in future. I've also neatened up the style of the Cross Target game using a bit of grey, as well as taking the time to rewrite a lot of the site's Text functions to allow for more colour and size change...
Views 84, Upvotes 22  
Foldapuz Blog
26th November 2018
Added Cross Target Spent ages trying to find the best way to represent a Scrabble-Style board using only black ink! I should probably redo bits of it with grey, I think.. Hmm.. Anyway, it's a simple enough concept. You have a rack of tiles, and a specific target to hit. Try to score exactly that many points.
Views 67, Upvotes 19  
Foldapuz Blog
24th November 2018
A whole lot of tweaks to Unfolded, to make it all a little more stable. Just minor background things, nothing too notable, but enough to keep things working!! I've also rewritten the way the Alternating Maze is generated, and it now ends up taking about s full second to generate each puzzle. Eeek! Still, with the recent puzzle-cache functionality, that should be a little bit easier on the server. The Alternating Maze mazes should now be a little more difficult to solve, with the paths hopefully...
Views 49, Upvotes 16  
Foldapuz Blog
22nd November 2018
Further tweaks to the Unfolded part of the site. Things seem to be fairly functional now, and I took the time to jiggle the menu about a bit to make it more like the main page's layout. I'll have to remember to keep both list of games the same, in the future, though, and will also need to keep the little icons updated, too. *sigh* So much to keep track of. This whole thing's started to get a little large!
Views 89, Upvotes 22  
Foldapuz Blog
Unfolded Blog
21st November 2018
For the past week or so, I've been gradually putting together a "On your mobile's browser" edition of Foldapuz. Although there are still a few tweaks to be made to get things "just right", the site now appears to be functional enough to be tested. If you'd like to test it, head to Unfolded, where you can hopefully figure most things out. On the top right are page selection, alongside a puzzle selection. The rest of the tools should be self explanatory, although you may need to click arou...
Views 62, Upvotes 16  
Foldapuz Blog
51 results (0) 1
Site credits : Jayenkai made this.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 86

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai