5 results (0)
4th March 2020
The initial release, and it's working reasonably well. I've still got tons of important stuff to do, and I need to make the randomiser a little less random, and a bit more... pretty!! You can Play with the Titler here, in your browser, on Desktop, Tablet or Mobile. (probably too cramped on a phone, though!)
Views 94, Upvotes 5  
Jnk Titler
Progress Blog
4th March 2020
Crikey. A somewhat half-decent GUI. Look at me, with the fancy Javascripting!!
Views 26, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog , Jnk Titler
3rd March 2020
Spent most of today working on this. Now the side-panel is no longer an "Everything all at once" panel, and is instead a series of tabs that you have to flick your way through. This means I can now fill each tab with different elements and GUI bits and pieces. Next is all the mouse/touch stuff on the main display, to let you slide and rotate and scale the elements. ... AAAAARRRRGH!!!!
Views 27, Upvotes 6  
Jnk Titler
1st March 2020
"Now all I have to do is make a fully working mouse-driven GUI to make it all functional!" ... Uhoh!! I forgot that I hate doing that stuff!
Views 31, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog , Jnk Titler
29th February 2020
Haven't started a game, yet. I think this might be a game-less week.
Views 97, Upvotes 24  
Daily Blog , Tools , Petit Switch , Jnk Titler
5 results (0)
Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 90

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai