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This week....
14th February 2010
A nice slow paced game is due for tomorrow, or at least it's currently slow! It might not be by tomorrow, but right now it is!!
A nice almost rpg-but-not, done on a small map, with lots of random elements to try and keep things moving.
The game relies on the Badges to expand the character, thus giving me an excuse to spend a week working on the badge part of the framework. All is well in Framework-land!
Oh, except the controls aren't done!
And the music isn't, either.
I'll f...
Views 65, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
Bloggy type stuff!!
13th February 2010
1. If anyone with an iSomething has the TurfWars app, I'm in there as ROVER546
2. Adverts. I shoved these on about a week ago, and they're not being clicked, but at least they don't seem to be ticking folk off! Google ads are nice and neat, and behave themselves.
If you do find one that does misbehave, let me know! Seriously, let me know!!! Screenshots tell all..
I don't trust 'em, but as long as they're not annoying folk, that's good enough.
3. Currently working on...
Views 46, Upvotes 7
Daily Blog
That Buzz doohickey
12th February 2010
(URL "https://www.google.com/profiles/jayenkai">Jayenkai @ Google!)
If it wasn't obvious what my google profile url was going to be, there it is!
Am I using it? Mildly.
It's supposed to be picking up my tweets, but.. I don't think it is!
So, everything's either over at one, or it's over at the other, right now.
If you're watching me on Twitter, I'm still writing this week's Socoder newsletter, which I've already posted (URL "https://socoder.net/?NewsStory=130">here)
If you're watching me on...
Views 70, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
10th February 2010
Late last night, as I was half-asleep and reading through Twitter, <a href="https://twitter.com/komiga">@Komiga</a> asked me if I was going to be using any version tracking software for my lovely framework.
My twittered response was limited (by lack of sleep, and also 140 chrs!!), so I figured I should explain it a little better.
Last year, around about Alien Deathmatch/Centipong time, I built up my 2D-in-3D framework to work in Blitz3D.
It worked wonders, and let me achieve a whole new abi...
Views 96, Upvotes 13
2010 Framework
9th February 2010
What week are we on, again?! Um.. ?
Let's go for 24! I think that's right!
Week 24, Game 32, first proper game from the new engine.
Hopefully things run smoothly, let me know how it goes!!
Centipong 2
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Centipong_2_:_Gentler__Calmer__Crazier_20100209A.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Centipong_2_:_Gentler__Calmer__Crazier_20100209A_thumb.png"></a>
Could be better, could be worse!
<a href...
Views 75, Upvotes 11
8th February 2010
Or rather, rushing to implement the ideas suggested!!
As well as finally adding a "Enter Your Name" screen!
There's still a half-a-dozen little niceties that I'd like to add, before release. So, although this game WILL DEFINITELY be released tomorrow, it'll probably end up being Tomorrow morning + whenever I wake up + a few hours after that!
For example, it'd be nice to have more than one difficulty setting!! But to do that, I need to add that frontscreen menu thingy!
Views 74, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
8th February 2010
MadTinkerer's Net is now ingame.
Simple method of adding it, there's a small blob in the middle of the screen, lining up with the mouse's X position.
The player holds Right mousebutton, and the small blob grows into a little basket/net.
The player collects 3 red pods and gains "Love" magnet mode.
3 orange makes the paddle grow
and so on and so forth.
I have 6 so far.
Feel free to go nuts and suggest more, because there's a whole great big bunch of color combo's I can mix up!
Views 101, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
7th February 2010
Centipong has been wrought with issues since day 56. It's been a bit of a pain, but for a whole bunch of obscure reasons.
I'm up to my last day, and I just wanted you folks to expect something slight odd with this release.
See, the thing is, as much as this IS Centipong TWO, I didn't really want to tread the exact same path.
I've already done Centipong, and Centipong Jr in Java, and Centipong DS as well.
And starting this project seemed like a great idea, but it's the exact same t...
Views 60, Upvotes 11
Daily Blog
Keep it Simple...
4th February 2010
The titlescreen of future games requires many things.
1. Title of Game
2. Credits
3. Highscores
4. Instructions
5. Menu
Individually they can all be nice and small, but put together, they tend to make things super-crazy! Especially when they're all equally fighting to attention.
Welcome to Framework Titlescreen Version 0.3
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Centipong_2_Gentler_Calmer_Crazier_(Screenshot_04_Feb_2010_120609).png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Centipon...
Views 79, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
2nd February 2010
Engine's now ready for any and all future word-based games that I might randomly decide to build. The wordlist adds 970Kb to a game's exe when added, and when asked it spends about 100milliseconds hunting through the complete list for a word.
So, with that out of the way I'm heading back to Centipong.
You'd think, about 4 weeks into the whole Framework thing, that things would be more or less finished.
You'd be wrong.
There's LOADS of stuff that I've still not do...
Views 108, Upvotes 15
2010 Framework
The "off" day
1st February 2010
Having now sat up for more than 10 minutes, I figure I'd best get coding, but I can't really finish off Centipong in less than a day..
What to do?
Well, assuming I now have all week to complete Centipong, I might as well spend today doing something a little different.
One of my all time favourite (of my own!) games is Stringy Things.
I know that a hell of a lot of folk don't like Word games as much as I do, but.. dangit, I love the things!
I've always planned to add a huge wordlist into the BlitzMax ...
Views 56, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
*sigh* flu again...
31st January 2010
Today marks my fourth day of lying in bed feeling crappy with a flu. I wouldn't feel too bad about this, if it weren't for the following facts.
1. There won't be a game this week, again.
2. This is approximate the seventeenth time I've had a flu since about November, and it's really starting to tick me off.
Guess all this snowy weather's not agreeing with me.
Views 65, Upvotes 7
Daily Blog
MP3's of Pain!!
30th January 2010
legoman4032 asked in the Youtube comments if I had mp3's.
Who am I to argue..
Extended, via the basic use of a repeaty bit in the middle, but in an instrumental stylee!
Karaoke!! Sing along! You know the words!
and, so it doesn't feel left out..
The original remix from last February (2009), with a bit that's not from "Devil in the Dark", and is instead from "Elementary, My Dear Data" (I think), and that I couldn't be bothered to hunt down to cut the video from, so ended u...
Views 123, Upvotes 7
Daily Blog
27th January 2010
I'm not entirely sure where I'm heading with this, but we'll have a play anyway.
So far I've got some VERY big and chunky sprites in the engine, and the whole thing's playing at a much slower pace than the last one. A very different feel, overall.
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Centipong_2_The_Snake_and_the_Ball_(Screenshot_27_Jan_2010_150332).png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Centipong_2_The_Snake_and_the_Ball_(Screenshot_27_Jan_2010_150332)_thumb.png"&g...
Views 83, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
26th January 2010
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Centipong_2_The_Snake_and_the_Ball_(Screenshot_26_Jan_2010_141009).png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Centipong_2_The_Snake_and_the_Ball_(Screenshot_26_Jan_2010_141009)_thumb.png"></a>
Decided to redraw the pod, due to the XNA one being slightly smaller than expected.
No matter, nice new images!
To be honest, that might be a wee bit too big, but I'll know better once I've added the paddle and ball into play.
In the meantime, th...
Views 90, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
A Depressing Post
25th January 2010
Pain has engulfed my world, this week.
Views 81, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
24th January 2010
The framework's coming together nicely, and things are looking up.
But there were Audio issues with various versions of Ubuntu (or rather, with the SAME versions of Ubuntu!!) that were causing the game to be silent, and then crash!
Hopefully I've managed to fix that, now.
There's a whole list of audio drivers available to the game, and all are nicely selectable in the nice Tab box.
Unfortunately, you will have to close and restart before it'll change the driver, or else.. Well, it just...
Views 171, Upvotes 11
Daily Blog
22nd January 2010
The mind works in mysterious ways.
Especially mine.
When I'm meant to be finishing off the Framework, fixing up game #1, and starting off game #2, my head went "Hey, why don't you make a video for Pain!"
I disagreed, and told my head that I must continue to work on my games.
My head wouldn't let me..
So I had to make a video for Pain..
This is so stupid!!
Views 52, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
Compo-ish time!
20th January 2010
Today, whilst uploading the new AGAW header for this site, I wondered if anyone would be interested in a simple little challenge.
Question : Name all the games in the new AGameAWeek header.
(URL "https://socoder.net/uploads/1/header.jpg"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/header_thumb.jpg">
![]() Views 100, Upvotes 20
Alrighty, Next!!!
20th January 2010
The Linux test has worked on one test system.
The Linux test has NOT worked on another test system.
And that's all the replies I've had.. Not a whole lot of feedback there.
The broken version appears to have been entirely audio related, so I'm going to have to peek into BlitzMax's audio options today, and see what I can/can't do inside Linux, and otherwise shove in a few failsafe methods incase of broken audio.
(I'd rather fix it, than just declare it "Not working", but if th...
Views 99, Upvotes 13
2010 Framework
19th January 2010
AGameAWeek 2010 - Game Number One!
We'll call this a test game, because the whole framework thing still isn't quite up to scratch, with all kinds of missing features!
Plus I've put in LOADS of little quirks, things that should be quick have been made extra lengthy, and there's a bunch of redundancy.. This is half-done on purpose so that I can see what the available systems can and can't cope with.
Hopefully we'll find that they can!!
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/compl...
Views 132, Upvotes 21
17th January 2010
By now you've probably routed around inside the JayArchive.
It's a nice thing to flick through, but sometimes folk can't be bothered to download 150+ seperate little downloads.
So, rather than leave it up to random picking, here's 11 nice big zip files, with EVERYTHING for Windows. (up until today)
Each big zip file is numbered with it's associated JayRank.
Unzip it to explode all the amazing Jayenkai Contents!
You'll find all the images and zip files that are contained within the JayArc, along wit...
Views 115, Upvotes 7
Daily Blog
Cutting it close...
17th January 2010
Uhoh, titlescreen's still not quite done, yet!
With a game to release on Tuesday that's yet to be thought of, never mind started, I'm really cutting it a bit fine, here!
If a game doesn't appear on Tuesday, this is the reason why!!
I've yet to do the following.
1. Scores
2. Menu
3. Badges
4. Score History
and there's the whole Music thing that I started on Saturday, but kinda only half did before giving up on it.
Oh dear..
Doesn't matter, it's not really a pro...
Views 72, Upvotes 13
2010 Framework
This week...
14th January 2010
Oooh, new engine this week, are you all looking forward to it?!
First Linux release, too! Blimey!
As the days drive on, I'm leaving myself with less time to actually code a game, here, but things are coming along nicely.
Joystick controls are in, little pop up text things are happening, debug file's being created, everything seems to be working!
It's usually at this point that things implode!!!
Assuming that doesn't happen, I'll be coming up with some sort of quicky game, by ...
Views 96, Upvotes 13
2010 Framework
13th January 2010
As you probably noticed, the past 100-or-so of my games have had a rather generic set of numbered sound effects, ranging 001 -> xyz.wav
Today I decided that I might as well make that a more permanent feature, so super-BlitzMax-engine now includes quick "LoadSFX" and "PlaySFX" functions that will work solely with those files.
Music will still probably be handled separately, since I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing with those, yet.
Either way, there's a specific 256...
Views 78, Upvotes 14
2010 Framework
AGAW - Ubuntu
11th January 2010
Step 1. (3/4 hours)
After about 3 or 4 hours spent prodding Ubuntu to actually get it to install properly, I finally managed to get it up and running by downloading a different Ubuntu, and installing it onto a thumbstick instead..
Step 2. (10 seconds)
I downloaded BlitzMax and followed <a href="https://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=84385">these</a> instructions.
Basically I just copy+pasted that topmost line of code into the Terminal, got that to update things,...
Views 62, Upvotes 12
2010 Framework
10th January 2010
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/argh.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/argh_thumb.png" style="float:right"></a>
Because there may or may not have been resulting copyright issues, I've left this post on the backburner until the magazine went off the shop shelves. Usually I'd happily scan in a bit of a page if my games are mentioned, but this time it's a whole entire page, and that's a completely different kettle of fish. (Although, to be fair, I've wr...
Views 255, Upvotes 33