Bitmap Font
17th January 2013
Today I took some time to build a Bitmap Font Creator, and a way to implement them into the new Monkey framework. It didn't actually take as long as I was expecting, but there was one marginal stumbling block along the way.
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
I had originally intended to have all the character widths outputted to nice data files, so that the fonts would be nice and neat when displayed. Unfo...
Views 54, Upvotes 9
2013 Framework
16th January 2013
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Menu_Plus_Buttons" width="300" height="232" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-2476" /></a>
Things should be starting to look a little familiar, now!
Today, I added a simple frontend menu system to the framework.
Nothing too fancy, just the usual Easy/Normal/Hard options.
You can tap them, click the...
Views 73, Upvotes 10
2013 Framework
15th January 2013
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="done_before" width="396" height="308" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2473" /></a>
You might recognise that little icon.
Redrawn in super-high-definition (128x128 pixels!) for iPad Retina display, or other high-def displays.
I'm currently halfway through adding in the Pause menu, with appropriate Quit, Audio, and o...
Views 56, Upvotes 12
2013 Framework
14th January 2013
I'm all out of little experimental ideas, so I figured I'd play it safe, and make a shitty little classic game!
Plus I've been FAR too busy with the Monkey framework, this week, to do anything bigger.
No matter, here's a nice little fun shooty thing.
You know how this one goes.
Left+Right, and Fire (Z/X/Up!)
Also, if you play it on your iPhing, you can control everything with touchyness!!
<h3> PlayMyCode no longer works Views 32, Upvotes 11
14th January 2013
Welcome aboard, Tam Toucan, you're apparently the only one interested in the job of testing my crazy shit, so you're now chief tester!
I've no idea when the first test engine will be ready to get to you, but I can't imagine it'll be too long a wait.. Maybe a week or so..?
Keep your eyes on AGameAWeek for progress reports!
Meanwhile, I did a teensy bit of audio testing, yesterday, and can happily report that Monkey can pitch it's audio, unlike a certain other language which I'...
Views 50, Upvotes 11
2013 Framework
13th January 2013
As I continue to build up the new Monkey-based framework, I have a lot of things to test, and get working.
As most of you have noticed, I tend to forget things, like "hey, your game doesn't quit when I hit Alt+F4!???.. That little thing took years for me to bother to implement!!
In order to build the best framework that I can, I'll be needing pokes and prods along the way.
I also need a fair number of testbeds, to try out everything on.
If you'd like to join in, stick your name below. Yo...
Views 75, Upvotes 10
2013 Framework
13th January 2013
OK, let's get some stress testing going, shall we?
This test took ABSOLUTELY AGES to get working, because my Mac and iPod suddenly decided they were no longer friends, and XCode was playing up like a moron.
For two little bloody tests.
However, what we have here is code that I wrote on a PC, tested on a PC under HTML conditions, then ran on an iPod having compiled it under reasonably fast conditions. (*aside from the bitchyness of the device!)
Views 103, Upvotes 11
2013 Framework
11th January 2013
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
There's a simple blast test.
I installed Monkey on the Mac, I opened my Monkey Framework, I clicked "iOS", compiled, switched to XCode, built and run.
It was quite simple, comparatively.
Is anything playable? Is it buggery!!
But it does show a few... .. Shall we say "quirks".
First, and you can't see it, but I can ...
Views 73, Upvotes 11
2013 Framework
10th January 2013
I'm rummaging through my hard drive, and what do I spot?
System Defender!!!
An unfinished piece of crap that I abandoned early on.
I wouldn't normally post abandoned crap*, but then I noticed the date.
22 January 2003
Good grief, this piece of crap is ten years old!
Want to see how crap my unfinished games were, 10 years ago? Now's your chance to find out!
(URL '>FlightDemo)
Up and down to move up and down the screen, left and right to fly left or right, and Spacebar (eeeeuww!) to f...
Views 24, Upvotes 6
Daily Blog
8th January 2013
About a month ago, Twitterer @McFunkyPants declared that it might be a fun target for him to attempt one game a month, over 2013.
Other devs took interest, and within a couple of days, his whole OneGameAMonth idea had taken hold of the indie community.
@McFunkyPants has since created a handy community website at (URL ""> where devs can sign up, and earn XP points as they build their monthly warez.
The community now holds more than 2000 members, and is growing! Cracking stuff...
Views 37, Upvotes 6
Daily Blog
5th January 2013
Um, yeah, here's Tuesday's game!
I started this, a couple of hours ago, expecting to finish it off by Tuesday.
.. I've finished it, already!
sod it, here you go, have an early game! no longer worksViews 123, Upvotes 11
2012 - The Games
5th January 2013
Even a (URL "">Brain Tumor) can't stop me from achieving 12 games in 2012!!!
True, I'd've much preferred to have done AGameAWeek for the entire year, but.. meh.. whatever!
(stupid tumor! hmpf)
January1. (URL "">Rooty Tooty Shooty) - Garbage BlitzMax 2. (URL "">Unijuggler)Views 38, Upvotes 6
Daily Blog
2012 Framework
5th January 2013
You didn't get to see a lot of the BlitzMax template, last year, but if you'd like to try your hand at rapid game-dev, you might like to have a peek at it's contents.
If you're a BlitzMax owner, this might be useful to you... maybe.. but you'll have to wrap your head around my coding style, first!
<a href="">Template - 2012 - Download Here</a>
Soon, hopefully, there'll be a Template - Monkey - 2013, but that's ann...
Views 22, Upvotes 6
Daily Blog
5th January 2013
I might make this a monthly feature, or then again I might forget all about it!
Who can tell!!
If it's popular, someone will remind me!
Here's Platdude in a precarious position, for January!
Click for HUGE!!
(URL ""><img src="" alt="" title="Desktop_2013_Jan" width="590" height="590" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-2438" />Views 42, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
31st December 2012
I'm marginally bored, sitting, waiting for Midnight..
".. hmm.. what to do..?
I know!
I'll write a new game!!"
and so, I did.
But it's no longer available because PlayMyCode doesn't workAnd it took me about 3 hours to do it.Views 82, Upvotes 13
Big Avatar!
31st December 2012
Continuing with our recent lack of coding, here's a cheap bit of artsy shit.
Introducing Jay's 2013 Avatar, in super high definition!
.. well, ok, maybe not as big as the Xmas one, but still nice and big.
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="avatar2013_512" width="512" height="512" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2431" /></a>
Purposes? ...
Views 29, Upvotes 7
Daily Blog
19th December 2012
Over the course of my illness, and recovery, there's been a fair number of forum topics, over at Socoder.
If you're interested, and/or bored, why not have a nosey!
You can also read the great big epic story of my hospital visit, <a href="">here</a>
March <a href="">Linkage</a>
Worry <a href="">Linkage</a>
The Lump <a href="https://...
Views 114, Upvotes 13
16th December 2012
I suppose I should explain things. Right now I'm still learning to cope with my health! It's not easy, and it's taken me a heck of a long time. I'm still not up to 100%, but I'm definitely getting close to it.
I'm quite glad that my mind is intact, given what I've been through, but at the minute my mind seems to be quite happy to sit about and be lazy. Although I've managed to create a couple of little playthings, I'm not yet ready to go the whole hog, and whittle ou...
Views 67, Upvotes 17
28th November 2012
Sorry, guys, I'm still not up to speed doing gamey things, but here's a nice Xmassy desktop pic for you!
(URL ""><img src="" alt="" title="PlatXmas_HD" width="590" height="590" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-2422" />
Click for MASSIVE, then shove it on your desktop, or your iPhing, or your Android Dooh...
Views 21, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
The Unpopular Post
23rd November 2012
I've been asked to chip in on this whole Kickstarter issue. If you follow me on Twitter (@Jayenkai) you'll have noticed my dislike of people spamming my twitter feed with constant requests for cash. It's annoying when you get into the busy periods, have your own cash issues to worry about, but still get bombarded by tens of hundreds of requests a day for things that don't yet exist.
As a cash strapped indie dev, I'm in exactly the same situation as most of these guys, with the simple ...
Views 78, Upvotes 6
Daily Blog
6th November 2012
We're off schedule again, aren't we!?
As the days pass me by, I'm finding myself sitting here doing not-much-at-all, and know that I really should be coding. But something's wrong in Jay-Land, and I can't seem to get back into my old grove.
I guess I'm still recovering from the whole ordeal.
AGameAWeek will continue as much as it can, and I'll keep shoving little games up whenever possible, but don't expect the usual "Every Tuesday" schedule for a while. Whenever!
Views 93, Upvotes 6
Daily Blog
3rd November 2012
So, my new iPod Touch Retina Wide/Long has finally turned up, and I instantly realized something I previously hadn't thought about. My lovely JNKPlat Homescreen no longer fits the longer/wider resolution on the new device. Bugger!!
Armed with only a Laptop and Paintshop Pro 7, I set about remaking the lovely picture, to fit the new resolution.
If you're a crazy JNKPlat super-fan, you can grab both the old-Retina and the new-Retina-Wide editions right here.
Enjoy, or ignore, either/or!
(URL "https...
Views 71, Upvotes 6
Daily Blog
24th October 2012
I don't seem to have much luck with dungeon crawlers, do I? Every time I start one, I kinda give up halfway.
This week's "game" (if you can call it that) is yet another unfinished RPG game.
It's all over at PlayMyCode, though, so if you're feeling up to it, perhaps you could delve into the code and bulk it up a bit, turning it into something a little less rubbish.
Either way, I fell out with it pretty early on, and it never got finished to a decent standard.
Views 77, Upvotes 6
Daily Blog
19th October 2012
Big interview number two has shown up online, over at
Last week I was sent a bunch of questions, so I took a bit of time answering them, and sent the replies.
.. yes, telling you that is probably a bit redundant, but otherwise this entire post would consist of just a link to the interview.
Content! Padding! Awesome!!
<a href="">The Interview</a>
Views 149, Upvotes 33
Getting a Laptop
18th October 2012
I'm a game developer, who usually spends about 16-or-more hours, per day, sat in front of a computer screen. I'm 32 years old.
You would probably imagine that, given both those facts, I've been through a fair number of laptops, over the years.
The truth is, I've never owned a laptop!
Heck, even my little sister, hater of 95% things technological, has been through three laptops!
But there it is. I never leave the house, so why bother with a system I can take outside? Forget that! Gimme...
Views 82, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
Pacman Slots
2nd October 2012
We're getting back into the swing of things, now!
Here's a quickly remake of a game I did a long while ago as Nintendo DS homebrew. The basic idea was that you take a classic arcade game, and rework it so that it fits the logic and rules of a slot machine. Worked out nicely, and the DS edition ended up with 6 of these games to play, along with a nice "score to unlock" mechanic.
This is merely the Pacman edition.
If its popular, I might add some more, but if I'm honest, Id rather get a nic...
Views 176, Upvotes 26
Daily Blog