RPG comin'at'ya!
28th November 2010
Somewhere along the way, I got bored with RPG.
Was it the stupidly annoying menus I half-assed my way through?
Was it the annoying issues with the control scheme?
Was it the fact that it's a smegging RPG?
Who knows.
Nobody can be sure.
But I'm carrying on, and it'll be vaguely playable on Tuesday.
I still need to organise the baddies, and spread out the pickups and things like that, and then there's the endgame, and figuring out how to keep the game alive...
but it's mostly t...
Views 36, Upvotes 7
Daily Blog
27th November 2010
<a href="https://quote-un-quote.tumblr.com/">The Last and Final Word is a series of interviews with indie videogame developers.</a>
A lovely new set of interviews which should lead to some insights about your favourite indie developers.
<a href="https://quote-un-quote.tumblr.com/post/1705703619/interview-indie-dev-jayenkai-james-gamble">PS. I'm Nuts!!</a>
Hopefully some of the others will be nice and lengthy, too, otherwise it's just me prattling on for ...
Views 77, Upvotes 19
Suggestion Box...
25th November 2010
Thursday = Suggestion day, and usually a lookback on Tuesday's game.
Views 46, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
22nd November 2010
Or rather, Curse You, stupid USB drive that killed about 4 hours of my work at 3am on Monday morning..
Although, If that hadn't have happened, I'd probably still be way way behind.
I had in mind, as I sat to code tonight, that I only (only!!) needed to add the weapons.
But, as I sit here at midnight, that's not really it, is it...
See, I have to build the weapon powerups, and tweak the weapon styles, and then integrate baddy health and all of that, too.
"Only" adding the weapons is a much bigger ta...
Views 40, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
This Week...
21st November 2010
I'm just throwing random things at this game, now, to be honest.
I haven't a clue what sort of game it'll end up as, but I'm pretty sure it won't be an RPG of any kind.
Still, I'll keep trying, and we'll see what comes of it.
Odnetnin46, This is as much of an RPG as you're gettin'!!
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/BoxRompPic.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/BoxRompPic-300x225.png" alt="" title="Bo...
Views 54, Upvotes 7
Daily Blog
18th November 2010
Am I doing the RPG or not!? Damnit, Jay, make up your mind!
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/dungeon8.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/dungeon8-150x150.png" alt="" title="dungeon8" width="150" height="150" class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-985" /></a>
Views 34, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
Suggestion Box...
18th November 2010
If you've an idea for AGameAWeek, let it be known in the comments below!!!
Meanwhile, thinking time...
Views 63, Upvotes 13
Daily Blog
16th November 2010
"You just hold right, and jump a bit"
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Super_Happy_Speedy_Gerbil_20101116_Logo_thumb.png">
Views 102, Upvotes 14
16th November 2010
Run and jump and jump and run! Note : Due to the high speed of the flickering, this is probably really bad if you suffer from Photosensitive Epilepsy.
Views 2830, Upvotes 37
Rapid Death
This Week...
14th November 2010
This week's game will be slightly more minimal than originally planned.
I originally was going to add baddies and pickups and progression and all of that.
But then I started playing it.
After about 10 minutes without a single blink, I figured it'd probably be a bit TOO much to add anything more.
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Super_Happy_Speedy_Gerbil_(Screenshot_14_Nov_2010_083303).png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Super_Happy_Speedy_Gerbil_(Screenshot_14_Nov_201...
Views 46, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
Suggestion Box...
12th November 2010
Ooops, THAT's what I'm supposed to do on Thursdays!
No matter, a day late, not to worry!
Here's this week's suggestion box.
Fill the comments with your ideas/suggestions for future AGameAWeek stuffs.
Views 34, Upvotes 13
Daily Blog
Y3:W4 - JRST
9th November 2010
Right now, we'll call this version 0.5.
The tool is at a working version, and most of the bugs are ironed out.
I'll update it as the weeks go by, and hopefully we'll have something Most Excellent by the end.
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Jay__s_Retro_Sprite_Tool_20101109B_thumb.png">
Sliders, menus, buttons, etc.
Fiddle about, you might figure it out!
There's a bunch of presets on the left. Click one, and a sprite appears bottom right.
If you click "New" the spr...
Views 106, Upvotes 19
9th November 2010
Views 3915, Upvotes 62
Pseudo Random Design
This Week...
7th November 2010
As I've already mentioned, the MiniRPG's on hold whilst I build the sprite maker doohickey. The doohickey's coming along nicely, and make quite a large leap today, but I'm still fiddling about trying to get it to feel "Just Right"
The thing is, although my old sprite maker seemed to come up with nice blobs, the new one appears to be much more random.
Either they're preset shapes, or they're crazily splodged messes.
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Jays_Retro_Sprite_Tool_...
Views 30, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
6th November 2010
I'm in too deep.
I can't stop!
And yet I also didn't plan ahead far enough, and will be spending most of this morning removing a bunch of stuff, and redoing it all.
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Jays_Retro_Sprite_Tool_(Screenshot_06_Nov_2010_103755).png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Jays_Retro_Sprite_Tool_(Screenshot_06_Nov_2010_103755)_thumb.png"></a>
Tuesday's little sprite buildey bobby will be all nice and super, and with any luck, should...
Views 25, Upvotes 7
Daily Blog
Mangled Thoughts
4th November 2010
It's time for our weekly "Post anything in your head" topic!
Views 32, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
Y3:W3 - GeeBee Hop!
1st November 2010
Keeping with the classic retro theme, here's a nice and simple little 15-screen jumping platform game!
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/GeeBee_Hop_20101101_Logo_thumb.png">
Views 102, Upvotes 16
This Week...
1st November 2010
Oops, forgot to post this, yesterday! No matter.
After last week's retro styled "random" game, I decided to go for something similarly retro, but much less random.
I've drawn some supercheap gameboy style sprites, and have been building a batch of quick and easy jumpy platform levels.
I've done 11 levels so far, and am going to go the "Start from level 1, see how far you can get" route, so theres no checkpoints or anything. Just start, and hope you don't die..
9 lives seems adequate, so far, but I m...
Views 35, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
Suggestion Box
27th October 2010
I've no idea what I'll be tackling this week, again, so pop a random thought or two below!
Views 44, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
Space Clusters
26th October 2010
Views 5087, Upvotes 53
Shoot Em Up
25th October 2010
A game cram packed into the space of only a day!
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Space_Clusters_20101026_Logo_thumb.png">
Views 163, Upvotes 18
25th October 2010
This isn't important..
I just sent off a nice lengthy reply to PixelProspector.com's Authentic Kaizen, all about plans for the future of the site, the possibility of me wrapping my head around Flash, thoughts about new new new new newer NeonPlat, and some kind of unpondered random top down maze thing.
None of that's really important, just yet. It's all forward planning, and it all requires bits of learning all over the place.
Less importantly, halfway through the email, I used the term "WiLMa" when ...
Views 31, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
Suggestion Box
21st October 2010
Have any thoughts? I'm a bit blank, this week.
But then I was blank last week, too, and that didn't turn out TOO badly.
(did it?!)
Views 32, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
19th October 2010
Stringy Things is out, for iPhone and iPod.
Slightly annoying that this didn't happen earlier.. That would've let me do a great big "First AGAW of the year, Second iPod release" thing, earlier.
No matter.
It's up, now!
<a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id397961479">Grab it from the AppStore</a>
Stringy Things!!
And I'll be building it up as I go, so. .. If AGAW suddenly becomes a bit Wordgame biased.. .. um... that's purely co-incidental!
Views 26, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
18th October 2010
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Ted_Bob__s_Pet_Hammer__20101018_Logo_thumb.png">
An ever so slightly shorter edition of this week's intended game, which almost didn't happen!! Nice and playable, although it's probably much more playable on Hard than on the other two levels!
This week sees the return of silly-name favourite Ted Bob, as he grabs an Amy Rose style hammer, and attacks oncoming crates.
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Ted_Bob__s_Pet_Hammer__20101018...
Views 134, Upvotes 18
18th October 2010
This week's been super jolly.
First, I couldn't settle back into the AGAW mood, then when I finally started a proper game, my Neck decided to completely screw up again, and I spent the next day and a half doing a kind of "1 line of code, 3 hours sleep" type thing.
Today, I'm coding better.
Which is probably just the right time for my PC to crap it's pants.
The world seems to be throwing everything it's got at me, in an effort to stop me from starting AGameAWeek Year 3!!!
I'm going to attempt to...
Views 38, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog