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SmileBASIC 4 - Platfire
11th February 2022
The evil bats have evolved. Platdude grabs his rocket, once more, to save the galaxy. If you've a Switch and SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key 4744V83J4-=-=- View on YouTube Controls- Move - Fire What I Didn't DoRan out of time to even consider adding powers and the like. The different coloured enemies have different levels of health, and the varied weapons were supposed to help on that front, but in the end I ran out of time to do that, so instead it's a basic weapon with level 3 firepower, which mostly obliterates enemies in one shot.. *shakes fist* Damn you, busy week!!! Views 149, Upvotes 25
Petit Computer
Petit Switch
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