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SmileBASIC 4 - CardAgain Blog
18th February 2022

It's time to shuffle the decks, again, as you try to pick the pairs in order.

If you've a Switch and SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key



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Thumb and Button or Touch or even motion pointy thing.

What I Didn't Do

Some day I'm going to make this game different, and do something exciting with it!
For now, it's pretty much exactly the same game it's always been.
Views 133, Upvotes 25  
Petit Computer , Smilebasic , Nintendo , Switch , Petit Switch , Petitcom4 , Release
New games every week!
Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 4

Blog - SmileBASIC 4 - CardAgain - AGameAWeek