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SmileBASIC 4 - Bubble Munky
31st October 2022
Climb around the maze, avoiding all the deadly dangers. Bubble.. ... Bubble Munky If you've a Switch and SmileBASIC, you can grab a copy of the game using the Public Key 452K3283E-=-=- View on YouTube Controls- Run and Climb - Jump What I Didn't DoOh, the plans for this.. I really wanted to generate nice Vexed/Munky Blocks style levels, where you'd need to move the bubbles around and get them to the match up. I tried.. I tried multiple ways to get a decent generator for those sorts of levels, but .. It just wasn't happening. Between constant rewrites and No Man's Sky getting in the way, I ended up just making a generic platformer. It's still fun, but it isn't what I wanted. *sad Munky* Views 2776, Upvotes 38
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