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Browsercade - Island Inferno Blog
27th February 2023

A volcano has erupted, and the floor is lava! Help Ted Bob get as far as he can, using the handy boxes to leap between the palm trees.

You can Play Island Inferno in the Browsercade.


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- Left/Right
- Jump. Hold for height.

What I Didn't Do

There's so much I didn't do, you wouldn't believe it.
The plan was much bigger, but Lazy Jay took over, and everything got pared-down into the normal AGameAWeek sized game.
If I hadn't spent most of the week faffing about with Stable Diffusion, we might've got a nice game out of it!

Planned elements that got scrapped.
1. Music
2. Proper looking enemies along the bottom.
3. The rare crates would contain powerups, like higher jumping and shields and things.

I've wasted SO much time, this week, it's stupid.


You can Play Island Inferno in the Browsercade.
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Browsercade , Release
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Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 4

Blog - Browsercade - Island Inferno - AGameAWeek