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Blockman Blast Game
21st January 2024
Help Blockman find his way to eating all the dots in the maze.
He's going to need all the power he can muster, to blast his way through.
Eat enough pellets to charge up his new Blast ability, and dig tunnels to reach far off pellets.

Careful not to eat yourself, though.
- Move
- Blast
Language GotoJSE
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Bonus Downloads
Large Icon
A large 512x512 pixel version of the game's icon.
Large Logo
A large 1024x512 pixel version of the game's logo.
Steam Icon
An icon sized at 460x215 pixels to fit on Steam's GUI.
Cover Art
A high resolution Cover Art image.
DVD Case
Switch Case
Cassette Inlay
Disk Envelope
Arcade Cabinet
Gift Envelope
Gift Box
Extra Links
Blog Post
Read about the original launch of this game, in an accompanying blog post.
This game is also available on
Watch the trailer on YouTube.

Views 687, Upvotes 26  
Maze , Pacman , Blockman
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Site credits : Jayenkai made this.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 8

Game - Blockman Blast - AGameAWeek