You now what the worst thing about running a MacOS Beta is?
Other than the insane levels of heat it generates whilst doing naff all.
It's the hard drive space running away at frantic levels.
Yesterday, the free hard drive space on my MacBook had plummeted from 120Gb space down to only 10.
MacOS has a lovely "Manage Storage" display which tells you, roughly, what's taking up all your space, and...
The "System Data" section won't go into any more detail, it just "is", and you have to put up with that.
It usually sits around 32Gb from what I've seen, but..
I tried using "Clean My Mac", but that did the obvious thing of going "Hey, you have loads of 1Mb games taking up hundreds of megabytes of space in your JNK Software folder", and not actually fixing the main culprit.
And so, I did what I had to do, to save a bit of space.
I told Photos to offload ALL of my photos to the cloud, but for the current few, and that saved about 50Gb.
I'm currently up to 60Gb, but am watching as the system gradually realises it can gobble up more of that for it's magical "System Data", and.. As I write this.. it's already up to 242Gb..
Fuxake, Apple...
Obviously, this sort of stuff only happens in the Developer Beta stage, but it's really really frustrating.
They say you should keep about 10% of your drive space free at all times, and as much as I try to do that, it's super hard when the OS itself is munching away every byte that it can find.
[Dave is sitting at his computer, frantically clicking and muttering to himself. Green enters, sipping a cup of coffee.]
Dave: No, no, no! This can't be happening!
Green: What's wrong now, Dave?
Dave: My hard drive is full! I can't even save this new Cola-themed screensaver I just downloaded.
Green: (peering at the screen) How much space do you have left?
Dave: (dramatically) Only 50 megabytes! It's a disaster!
Green: (rolling his eyes) You do realize that's barely enough to fit one of your precious MP3s, right?
Dave: (gasping) Don't even joke about that! My MP3 collection is sacred!
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's room - Afternoon
[Dave and Green are hunched over the computer, scrolling through folders]
Green: Dave, you have to delete something. Look at all these files!
Dave: (defensively) They're all important!
Green: (reading) "Coke_jingle_remix_v1.mp3", "Coke_jingle_remix_v2.mp3", "Coke_jingle_remix_final.mp3", "Coke_jingle_remix_final_FINAL.mp3"... Do you really need all of these?
Dave: Of course! They're from my Napster days! It's like a time capsule of my music career.
Green: (sighs) Your music career consisted of remixing soda commercials, Dave.
Dave: (proudly) And I was the best in the business!
[Suddenly, they hear a meow from outside]
Dave: (groaning) Oh great, that cat's back. Probably with more future headlines about my storage crisis.
Green: Focus, Dave. We need to make some tough decisions here.
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's room - Evening
[Dave is pacing back and forth, while Green sits at the computer]
Green: Alright, I've managed to free up some space by compressing your files and moving some to an external drive.
Dave: (excited) So I can keep everything?
Green: Not quite. We still need to delete some things. How about these old JNKPlat levels?
Dave: (gasping) No way! Those are classics!
Green: Dave, you haven't played JNKPlat in years.
Dave: (dramatically) It's not about playing, Green. It's about the memories!
Green: (exasperated) Fine. What about these random text files? "Coke_facts_1999.txt", "Reasons_Pepsi_sucks.doc"...
Dave: (considering) Well... I suppose those could go. I've memorized all the Coke facts anyway.
[As Green starts deleting files, the computer makes a series of beeps]
Computer Voice: "Welcome to Cybersoft's Philesplitter. Please select the file you want to split."
Dave: (excitedly) Ooh, maybe we could use this to split some files and save space!
Green: (facepalming) Dave, that's not how it works. Remember what happened last time?
Dave: (sheepishly) Oh yeah... "Error.. Error.. Red Alert.. That file is not Splittable."
Green: Exactly. Now, let's finish cleaning up this drive before you try to download another ridiculous Cola-themed program.
[As they continue working, the credits start to roll]
Dave: (looking at the newly freed space) You know, Green, maybe this wasn't so bad after all. It's like spring cleaning for my digital Cola shrine!
Green: (sarcastically) Yes, truly a momentous day in computing history.
[They both laugh as the screen fades to black]
[End Credits]
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