Over the course of July, I'm going to attempt to make a little play thing in JSE every day.
I'm not sure how well I'm going to manage. Whether I'll keep up this plan for the entire month or not. Will I grow bored? Will I get stuck? Will I run out of ideas. .. Or time?
Who knows.
Either way, this is apparently what I'm doing this month, so I guess we'd all better get used to it.
I initially suggested I could make these as tutorials, but once I started getting into the apparent chaos of it all, I ended up scrapping any sort of tutorial methodology, and just scrappily coding whatever the heck came to mind.
The result of day one, Ripples, isn't exactly a game. It's definitely not a tutorial.
It's just sort of ended up as a little experimental example thing, and I guess that's where we're going to be headed for the month.
Maybe during the course of the month, I might stumble upon some curious ideas which could be expanded into full games?
That might be fun.
If anything you see over the next few weeks seems like it might make for a game concept, be sure to let me know in the comments.
It's less of a ripple, and more an explosion, but they do kinda ripple a bit.. Maybe..
It's not a bad little example.
Let me know what you think of this, and whether it's worth me carrying on with this for the next 30 days!!
[Dave is frantically searching through piles of papers on his desk, looking increasingly frustrated.]
Dave: (muttering) Where is it? Where is it?
Greenie: (entering the room) What are you looking for?
Dave: That blasted piece of paper with the web link on it! I can't find it anywhere!
Greenie: (sarcastically) Oh, you mean one of the many scraps of paper you have lying around?
Dave: (glaring at Greenie) Very funny. This is important! It was for that hospital job I applied to... I think.
Greenie: (sighing) Dave, you can't even remember where you applied. How important could it be?
Dave: (defensively) Hey, I remember things! Sometimes...
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Room - Later
[Dave is now crawling on the floor, looking under furniture]
Dave: (frustrated) It's got to be here somewhere!
Greenie: (watching from the couch) Have you checked your pockets?
Dave: (sarcastically) No, Greenie, I haven't checked the most obvious place. Of course I've checked my pockets!
[Dave stands up, accidentally knocking over a can of Coke onto his keyboard]
Dave: Oh, for.. Not again!
Greenie: (chuckling) At least it wasn't a piece of your PC this time.
Dave: (ignoring Greenie) Maybe it's in my jacket...
[Dave rushes to his bedroom]
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Bedroom - Moments Later
[Dave enters wearing ridiculous striped pajamas and a weird nightcap]
Dave: (triumphantly) Found it!
Greenie: (staring at Dave's outfit) What on earth are you wearing?
Dave: (looking down at himself) Oh, these? They were in my jacket pocket with the paper. Must've put them there after laundry day.
Greenie: (shaking his head) Only you, Dave. Only you.
Dave: (unfolding the paper) Now, let's see what this says...
[Dave's face falls as he reads the paper]
Greenie: What is it?
Dave: (sheepishly) It's... it's not the web link. It's a receipt for more Coke.
Greenie: (facepalming) Of course it is.
[As they're talking, we see a scrap of paper with a web link written on it stuck to one of Dave's Coke cans on his desk]
[Fade to black]
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