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JSE Toy - Splash Blog
14th July 2024
The word for the 14th day of July is Splash!


You can Play Splash here

No, I didn't make a comedy game about a mermaid that becomes human.
Instead, how about some good old fashioned stone skimming?

Hold the mouse to drag back, then release to send it splashing towards the target.
The target continuously moves, so to make the game a little easier, I opted to have the stones skim just the once, midway through their journey.. Otherwise things might get more than a little frustrating when you're perfectly on target but the stone decides to skim along the water a little bit further!
Also, not 100% sure why the scoring doesn't always work. It should do. There's not viable reason why it doesn't.
I think this particular toy will be left on the cutting room floor in future, unless I can work out why the scores don't always get counted.

It's a silly little toy.
But it's no NeonPlat!

You can Play Splash here

A.I. Corner

: Download | Suno Link

Alternative version
: Download | Suno Link
Sung by Suno

"Beautiful photograph of Cartoon @Derek throwing stones at the beach" by

It's drawn Wallace, today..!
(Also, the AI didn't understand the word "Skimming", so he's just throwing the stones, instead)

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Blog - JSE Toy - Splash - AGameAWeek