Backwards and forwards the fishies will swim, deep in the ocean blue.
Down on the floor are some plants that are swaying, they love it down there, it's true.
There's not really a whole lot of swaying in today's toy, and we're back to no-interactivity again.
I did consider a few options, but there's no Array stuff going on, and all the elements are randomly positioned each frame, but with the same seed being used each time.
It would've been nice to have had little bubble sounds, but I appear to have broken the volume in the Sound Command (adds to ToDo list)
That was likely when I added the extra volume options to the Game Handler. I'm not sure why it's done that, but I'll have to look into it.
[Dave is frantically hoovering his room, while Green watches with amusement.]
Dave: (muttering) Never again! No more cake in this apartment!
Green: (sarcastically) How can you possibly celebrate important events without cake?
Dave: (exasperated) It's caused nothing but trouble. First, it falls into my computer while you're screwing the TV to the stand. Then it nearly destroys my fractal code!
Green: (rolling eyes) Dave, I still don't think the cake was responsible for your coding issues.
Dave: (defensively) Well, it certainly didn't help! I'm taking no chances.
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Room - Afternoon
[Dave is still cleaning, now armed with a magnifying glass to spot tiny crumbs. Green is lounging on the couch.]
Green: (sighing) Dave, don't you think you're overreacting a bit?
Dave: (dramatically) Overreacting? Green, this cake nearly caused a citywide blackout!
Green: (confused) How do you figure that?
Dave: (excitedly) Well, if the cake hadn't messed up my fractals, I wouldn't have tried to fix my computer. And if I hadn't done that, I might not have accidentally linked it to every system in the neighbourhood!
Green: (facepalming) Dave, that's not how any of this works.
Dave: (ignoring Green) Plus, cake is basically sugar, right? What if it attracts more ants? Or worse, what if Fractant comes back for revenge?
Green: (more confused) Because the ant king is definitely plotting his return over cake crumbs?
Dave: (dramatically) Oh, he would. He definitely would.
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Room - Evening
[Dave collapses on the couch, exhausted from cleaning. Green is reading a book.]
Dave: (sighing) Finally, it's done. This apartment is now a cake-free zone!
Green: (not looking up from his book) Congratulations. I'm sure the nonexistent cake demons will be very disappointed.
Dave: (suddenly panicking) Wait! What if I missed some crumbs? What if they're hiding in the walls?
Green: (exasperated) Dave, calm down. The cake isn't out to get you.
Dave: (having an idea) I know! I'll ask the Cola Genie to make sure all the cake is gone!
Green: (sighing) For the last time, there's no such thing as a Cola Genie.
Dave: (grinning) That's what you think. But who do you think helped me clean up all those crumbs so fast?
[As Dave runs off to find a Coke can, Green looks at the spotless room]
Green: (to the audience) If anyone needs me, I'll be at the pool hall. Again. There's cake for the tournament winner.
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