An early night caused most of last night's plans to fall to the wayside.
I awoke at 4:30am, bright and alert, and ready to start my day.
But my day wasn't ready yet.
The Pixelarf source image for Platdude pixelarts doesn't show up until 6am, and neither do the various Admin tasks over at SoCoder. Hmm..
The ALChoon I'd been working on for most of yesterday wasn't yet done, in that it had no lyrics and was kinda short if I'm honest.
I spent a good hour or so adding lyrics, but it's still a bit shorter than even I'd normally generate.
It's nice.
But it's short.
I might spend a bit more time with it, today, and try to extend it a bit.
Or just throw it out as-is, because it is a lovely little ditty.
[Dave is sitting on his couch, surrounded by various electronic devices, scrolling through podcast options on his phone]
Dave: (muttering to himself) No... no... definitely not... Oh! "The Coke Connoisseur's Corner"! Perfect!
[Green enters, looking around suspiciously]
Green: Hey, Dave. What's today's tragedy?
Dave: Just trying to find the perfect podcast to listen to while I work on the bunker layout. Did you know there's a whole series about the history of Coke?
Green: (sarcastically) I'm shocked. Truly shocked.
Dave: It'll be great background noise while I design my Coke-powered holodeck. It'll be just like in my dreams!
Green: (sighing) Still obsessed with that holodeck plan, huh?
Dave: Trust me, once it's done, you'll be amazed.
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Bunker - Kitchen Area
[Dave is rearranging furniture while listening to his podcast through oversized headphones. Green is watching, bemused]
Dave: (shouting over the podcast) Hey, Greenie! Did you know that in 1985, Coca-Cola changed their formula and it was a disaster?
Green: (wincing at the volume) Yes Dave. Everybody knows that.
Dave: (still shouting) What?
Green: (louder) I said, everybody knows that!
Dave: What cat? [removes headphones] Sorry. I got over-excited. This podcast is amazing! It's giving me so many ideas for the bunker!
Green: (warily) Ideas? Like what?
Dave: Like a Coke museum! We could display all the different cans and bottles throughout history!
Green: This bunker's going to end up much bigger, isn't it?
Dave: [putting headphones back on] It'll be epic!
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Bunker - Newly Designated 'Museum' Area
[Dave is excitedly arranging Coke memorabilia while Green looks on, horrified]
Dave: And here's where we'll put the life-size cutout of the Coca-Cola Polar Bear!
Green: Just a cutout, Dave? Would you not rather have an actual Polar Bear there?
Dave: Dave, yes! But I don't think I could sneak a polar bear down here without Matt noticing.
Green: Oh, that would be a good reason.
Dave: Anyway, I can't look after it whilst I'm at my job.
Green: Job? What job? You're living in a bunker!
Dave: Exactly! I'm the curator of the Dave's Amazing Underground Coke Museum!
Green: DAUCM? You couldn't come up with a better acronym?
Dave: Dave's .. Amazing .. Coke ... Museum .... .... Awesome! DACMA!
[End credits]
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