In a videogame, of course, not reality. Because in reality, my balance is so bad, I definitely couldn't ride a bike!
I thought about possibilities for a bike game, and started playing around with methodology, and I think I've come up with an interesting bike-riding game.
It felt REALLY familiar, though, and I just knew I'd done something similar, recently, so I scanned through the list of last year's AGameAWeek'sies and found Midnight Roller which is oddly from this exact same week, last year!
It is indeed awfully similar, and even uses lighting and track building in an almost identical manner.
So, what do I do?
Do I carry on with this, and see what "new" gameplay I can add, or do I abandon it at this point and say "Less repetition please, Jay"
To be fair, there's not much in the way of "Adventure" in this game, just yet.
I guess I should probably try to add that in, before abandoning it.
Maybe it'll get more Adventurous?
Who knows.
Let's all reconvene tomorrow, and see what I've managed to do to it!
Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
I'm always Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
(Ding Ding Ding)
Look at me go as I'm riding my bicycle.
Riding along with my light on.
Pedalling onwards and ringing my bell,
As I carry on upon my merry way.
(Ding Ding Ding)
Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
I'm always Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
(Ding Ding Ding)
Twisting the handlebars to keep myself steady,
Keeping my feet spinning wild. (Ding!)
Finding my way with a big giant light,
As I ride 'round the caverns at night.
(Ding Ding Ding)
Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
I'm always Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
(Ding Ding Ding)
[key change]
Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
I'm always Riding my Bike.
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
Riding my Bike.
(Ding Ding)
(Ding Ding Ding)
Int. Dave's Living Room
[Green is sat on the sofa, watching Dave polish his Cola stickers on his Cola bike, which stands proudly against the back wall]
Green: Dave, when was the last time you actually rode that bike?
Dave: What do you mean?
Green: Sat on it, outside, wheeling around. You know, riding it.
Dave: It's busy. It's displaying.
Green: Displaying?
Dave: Yes, Displaying. Like my vintage collection. Some things are too precious to use.
[Dave continues polishing]
Dave: Besides, remember what happened the last time I went outside?
Green: Which time?
Dave: The time when I almost destroyed RCHomes by building an underground bunker and then destroying it with statues.
Green: That had nothing to do with riding a bike.
Dave: You never know. And I bet that cat's still out there, waiting to pounce at me with a newspaper.
[Dave starts applying a new Cola sticker to the handlebars]
Dave: There. Perfect.
Green: So you're just going to keep it as a display piece? You're never actually giong for a ride?
Dave: Exactly! Like my Cola-proofed oven.
Green: That's not really the same thing...
Dave: Of course it is. They're both perfectly Cola'd appliances.
Green: A bike isn't an appliance, Dave.
Dave: It's a free-wheelin' appliance of awesomeness!
Green: It's not exactly free-wheeling when it's strapped to your wall all the time. You need to let it out. Get it some fresh air.
Dave: Fresh air?
Green: I'm sure that "Mister Bicycle" would love a little bit of fresh air.
Dave: Mister? Who said the bike's a Mister? Are you naming things now?
Green: No, I just figured it might help to personify it a bit.
Dave: You're a very silly fellow, Mr Green.
[End credits roll as Dave opens a nearby window]
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:24: Riding A Bike - AGameAWeek