Yesterday I asked for some word/theme/topic suggestions to spur on my February games.
Let's see what I got!
First off was a series of comments all over the site , a ton of them, which all suggested cheap and easy methods to buy "collagen solution from bovine skin". I got a LOT of links about that, yesterday, so I expect the person posting all those comments must REALLY want me to make games based on Bovine Skin.
Or maybe just games about cows?
Would Cow games be fun for a month!?
Manic Miner and Mr Driller spring instantly to mind, there, though I expect the original mindset was Minecraft..
Those are all obvious JSE/Browsercade games, but what would a Shoebox Drilling game look like? Hmm.
I'd also likely have to make some sort of Foldapuz game in a mineshaft..?
That might be fun to work through, as far as concepts go.
Is it a cow with a drill,
Or a man with an axe.
Inside a deep cave or cavern,
Wearing boots and some pants.
Will the farm have a chicken,
And a pig and a duck?
And will the miner eat his sandwich,
Or is he out of luck.
I don't know where to take the month.
The ideas are flowing around my face.
As I open up the site to write my code.
.. I'm not sure what games I'm makin'
Perhaps the farmer's in a field.
Wanders all around the screen.
Tending plants and mowing lawns,
And feeding sheep that look forlorn.
And then she delves into a mineshaft,
Where the pigs have lost their way.
So she digs them out and brings them up.
The happy farmer saves the day.
I don't know where to take the month.
The ideas are flowing around my face.
As I open up the site to write my code.
.. I'm not sure what games I'm makin'
I'm gonna try to make them fun,
But I'm not sure that every one,
Will be the best that I can make,
When I'm not even sure which path to take.
I'm making games. (I'm making games)
About a farmer. (on the farm)
With horses and goats. (horses and goats)
And maybe some flowers. (on the farm)
Or is it a miner. (digging a hole)
Looking for gems. (under the ground)
Deep in a cave. (holding a pick axe)
Who's looking around. (what has he found.)
I don't know where to take the month.
The ideas are flowing around my face.
As I open up the site to write my code.
.. I'm not sure what games I'm makin'
I'm gonna try to make them fun,
But I'm not sure that every one,
Will be the best that I can make,
When I'm not even sure which path to take.
Int. Dave's Street
[Neighbours mill about with drinks and snacks, the street notably unsticky]
Dave: Look at all these people! They love me!
Green: Just... try not to get too bogged down in the fractals.
Dave: But the bubbles were so mathematically perfect!
Green: Dave...
[A couple approaches]
New Neighbour: You must be Dave! Brilliant job with the clean-up!
Dave: Thanks! It was all about the seven-digit pressure ratios-
Green: [interrupting] -and hard work! Lots of hard work.
Dave: And Cola! Lots of Cola!
Green: Please stop talking.
[Lady Computer displays an image of a warning sign through Dave's window]
Dave: [to Green] Even Lady Computer's celebrating!
Green: That's not what that means.
Dave: Want to hear about my Cola-based cleaning algorithm?
New Neighbour: Cola? I've heard that can shift grime from a penny. Does it really work?
[Camera pans to Mrs Thompson and Mrs Baker whispering]
Mrs Thompson: Isn't he the one who caused all this?
Mrs Baker: With that fizzy contraption?
Mrs Thompson: The big vending machine, yes.
Mrs Baker: But he did clean it up...
Mrs Thompson: After three days of sticky shoes! And my washing stinks.
Mrs Baker: And what's with all the Coke? Do you think he's an addict?
Mrs Thompson: They say his whole house is covered in Cola stickers.
[Back to Dave, now surrounded by more neighbours]
Dave: And then the binary conversion made the bubbles go whoosh! [mimes explosion]
Green: Dave! What did we say about technical details?
Dave: But everyone loves a good coding story! Like that time when the sugar...
Green: That's exactly the kind of story we're avoiding!
Dave: Or when I got electrocuted at the gates!
Green: Dave, please...
[A child runs up to Dave]
Child: Mr Dave, why does your house have Cola stickers everywhere?
Dave: That's DaveyDoody to you, little kiddy!
Child: Can I have a play with your bike?
Dave: Sure. The power of Coke will let you ride for hours!