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2018 - Game 7 - Franken Hopper Blog
12th May 2018

Eating bugs, just for fun!


The Brief

Franken is hungry, and wants to eat bugs.
Sneaking into the Face-Room, he's happy to find a whole lot of little bugs flying around, so hops around to grab them all.

You can Download Franken Hopper here for Windows, Linux, MacOS and even as 3DS Homebrew!

The Controls

- Move
- Jump

How Not to Lose

Beware the flames! They're everywhere!!

What I Didn't Do

Lives would probably help, but balancing the difficulty was strangely difficult for this game.
I think it works ok without lives, though, right!?

You can Download Franken Hopper here for Windows, Linux, MacOS and even as 3DS Homebrew!
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Blog - 2018 - Game 7 - Franken Hopper - AGameAWeek