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Foldapuz - Cross Sums Blog
15th July 2019
v1.29 - Added the maths puzzle Cross Sums. Also added ALL the Foldapuz games to the AGameAWeek archive.

A simple maths game, this week.
The solutions are already there, but what equations make up the solutions?
The nine boxes should be filled with the numbers 1 through 9, such that the results are accurate.

You can Play Cross Sums here, or wait for it to show up in the daily Foldapuz sheets.


What I Didn't Do.

I haven't added BODMAS functionality to the game, so everything is "step by step" instead.
I wasn't sure which would be more complicated. Having BODMAS or not.
In the end, I opted for the "simpler" method.
Hopefully that doesn't cause too many issues.

You can Play Cross Sums here, or wait for it to show up in the daily Foldapuz sheets.
Views 296, Upvotes 25  
Foldapuz , Maths
New games every week!
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(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 4

Blog - Foldapuz - Cross Sums - AGameAWeek