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Release - 2017-26 - Thwackity Puttz Blog
26th June 2017
Thwack the ball for all it's worth.


You can Download Thwackity Puttz here for Windows, play it in your browser, or find it on your Razer Forge TV (via Cortex) or other Droid-TV device of choice, once it's gotten through review!

The Brief

You know how golf works.
Hit the ball into the hole. Score a few birdies and hope for the best.
There's 9 holes per round, and 9 rounds to be had.


- Move
- Thwackity

How not to Lose

You get 9 hits per hole, and 1 point for each remaining hit once you've completed it.
Hit the ball 9 times and you get a -5 score on your card! Arrgh!!

What I didn't do/Possible Improvements

You tell me!!

The Download

You can Download Thwackity Puttz here for Windows, play it in your browser, or find it on your Razer Forge TV (via Cortex) or other Droid-TV device of choice, once it's gotten through review!

Views 563, Upvotes 35  
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Blog - Release - 2017-26 - Thwackity Puttz - AGameAWeek