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Release - 2017-29 - Pigeon's Treat Blog
15th July 2017
If you eat a Pigeon's Treat,
It could be bad, or it could be sweet.


You can Download Pigeon's Treat here for Windows, play it in your browser, or find it on your Razer Forge TV (via Cortex) or other Droid-TV device of choice, once it's gotten through review!

The Brief

Much like Flappadiddle, your task is simply to jump from platform to platform, making your way across the landscape.
This time, however, not entirely unlike Hoppy Bobby, the platforms are all circling around, and generally being a nuisance.

You'll need precise controls to keep from falling, and your poor little pigeon doesn't have an awful lot of stamina.
Good luck, out there!!


- Move
- Jump - Hold to flap

How not to Lose

Don't fall!
Oh, and be sure you don't get hit by any letters.
Also, as always, there are Spikes!

What I didn't do/Possible Improvements

I've had the game sitting here, finished, for most of the day.
I struggled to pluck up the courage to sing a theme tune.
...I didn't sing a theme tune!!!

I don't sing.

The Download

You can Download Pigeon's Treat here for Windows, play it in your browser, or find it on your Razer Forge TV (via Cortex) or other Droid-TV device of choice, once it's gotten through review!

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Blog - Release - 2017-29 - Pigeon's Treat - AGameAWeek