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Tea Frogs Blog
26th July 2011
Wasn't so sure I'd have time for this, today, but mum's got a few friends around and is busy chatting away! (Mum's currently sprained her leg, so I'm on Nurse Jay duty for the next week or so!) So, an hour spare, and another game done!

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Views 28, Upvotes 8  
25th July 2011
Centipede!!! .. *shrugs* Centipede!!!

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Views 34, Upvotes 8  
25th July 2011
Was ill, feeling fine today, but with an added complication. My Mum's been to the Lake District, and has come back with an "almost broke" Sprained foot. uhoh! I'm doing caretaker duties for the next wee while, so apologies if I don't get around to everything. Finding myself making little checklists.. thank god for StickyNotes Windows 7 - The good bits of XP, without the mindbogglingly shit bits of Vista, now with added post-it's.
Views 16, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
24th July 2011
If you're following, you'll have probably seen it coming. Jay codes, Jay codes more, Jay writes blogs, Jay does music, Jay feels a bit tired, Jay codes more, Jay feels really tires, Jay writes a big-ass Newsletter, Jay stays awake all night, Jay codes more, Jay drags himself home from work, Jay goes to sleep for 12 hours, Jay's big sleep fucks his neck up again..
Views 37, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Sleepy... Blog
22nd July 2011
Won't be posting a blog tonight, so might as well do it now. Long long night.. Sat up writing the newsletter 'til late, then posted the short blog, then headed to bed about 1am.. After lying there playing Sheep Goes Left for an hour or two, I finally drifted off, only to wake up at 5am.
Views 29, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
22nd July 2011
You might say... "Hey, this is just Spike Dislike with different controls.." And you might be right..! Here it is, anyway!

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Views 60, Upvotes 10  
Shortie.. Blog
21st July 2011
Last night I said it might be worth my while making a new set of Sheep Goes Left levels. Right after I said that, I started doing it, and by about 2pm today I'd done it. 14 hours, 100 levels, with a sleep and AGameADay inbetween! Blimey! Seems the time off from making Sheepy things made it easier to do it. Who knew! I'll add some GameCenter stuff and upload Release 3 shortly. This is only a quicky blog, tonight, 'cos I just spent the past 2 hours writing the Socoder Newsletter, so if you want t...
Views 16, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
21st July 2011
When PhotonStorm sent over his lovely sprites, he included some nice wintery snow based ones. *shrugs* They'll be topical eventually!! (...next week, considering how entirely random the weather seems to be, lately!) For now, we'll play Hunt The Snowman!

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Views 37, Upvotes 9  
20th July 2011
I had a decent topic in mind for the blog, earlier.... *shrugs* Should've wrote it down.. No matter, I can randomly waffle for 10 minutes! I usually do ok with that...
Views 23, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
19th July 2011
AL's been away for a while. I think all the AGameADay stuff might've taken it's toll on him for a bit, there. Today, though, he unexpectedly managed to knock out a fairly decent choon. I like today's tune. Nice and.. um.. nice (URL "https://alodare.tumblr.com/post/7799085732">Antisocial Floating Manoeuvres) Feels good to have AL back to his normal style of music, instead of the absolute garbage he was spewing out last week!
Views 21, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
19th July 2011
@VDichotomy <em>@Jayenkai OK - simple pitch: guiding a balloon up a maze with spikes to avoid, avoiding gusts from fans & speed keeps increasing. Workable?</em> <a href="https://twitter.com/#!/VDichotomy/status/93079625340698624">11 hours ago</a> Yup, that's workable..
Views 46, Upvotes 7  
18th July 2011
I keep meaning to do a screengrab of me making a game, but I always forget. My memory sucks! So, tonight, I decided to screengrab a quick little none-game. Head inside to watch me go "hmmm... " and accidentally hit the wrong key a couple of times

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Views 22, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
18th July 2011
Had a day out, today. I rarely go out anywhere, since there's feck all in town anymore. 95% of the shops in Bolton Town Center are mindnumbingly shit, unless you feel the need to visit a charity shop. The shops I used to visit are, in order of visits..
Views 21, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
18th July 2011
It's just a nice simple Platform game. And it also uses the first of the new template, along with a couple of PhotonStorm's lovely little sprites Thanks!

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Views 52, Upvotes 8  
17th July 2011
Today I coded a nice <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/?p=1601">Tower Defence</a> game, and then started to implement Template 2, for the next bunch of AGameADay games.

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Template 2 honestly isn't that much different than Template 1 was. In fact, if I wasn't writing this blog, I'm not 100% sure that anyone would notice that much. There's been a number of background changes, though, and since I'm...
Views 24, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
17th July 2011
Yep... 4 hours.. I kinda built this one up in my head, and imagined it'd be WAY too hard to make. .. It wasn't. 4 hours.. and most of that was balancing..

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Views 51, Upvotes 14  
16th July 2011
A couple of weeks ago, I set Sheep Goes Left as free for a nice big long happy weekend stroll. During this time, the reviewers (or is there just Stu doing it?!) at Free App Hero decided to write a nice big review of the little fella. Look inside for the complete review, then grab the <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/free-app-hero/id403095549?mt=8">Free App Hero</a> app, to find more fantastic free apps.
Views 91, Upvotes 25  
15th July 2011
Don't you hate it when you plan to do about 3/4 things in a day, but the first thing inexplicably takes about 4 hours.. FFS!
Views 19, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
15th July 2011
As much as this is still technically playable, I wouldn't consider this to be finished. It started off well enough, built up ok, but then kinda got a bit dull and boring. Then I couldn't be bothered fixing the "Gets Stuck" issue. .. meh..
Views 38, Upvotes 16  
14th July 2011
I was really hoping to start on Socoder today. I kinda promised myself I'd get shifting on that, on Thursday. Unfortunately, I'm at that "Must Finish!!!" stage doing Daisy Chains, and I'm finding it really difficult to pull myself away from it, both as a developer, and more annoyingly, as a player. Anyhoo, here's the trailer.
Views 15, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
14th July 2011
Because EVERY game collection needs a Golf game. If Cascade 50 can do it, I HAVE to do it!!

PlayMyCode games no longer work

Views 31, Upvotes 10  
13th July 2011
Part of the reason for making a generic reusable frontend for my games is that I can't stand doing logos! The things annoy me. They have to be "just" right, and each game needs to be done differently. A simple text "Name of Game" does me just fine!
Views 53, Upvotes 11  
Ios Dev
12th July 2011
I woke up bright and early, planning to get a whole load done on my DaisyChains game, today. I started the day by installing iOS5 v3. This was a bad idea. It took me about 2 hours to get everything installed, reinstall XCode, get the new iOS5v3 iPod and Xcode working together, and then wait for all the apps to pop back onto the iPod. *grr*
Views 14, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
12th July 2011
Lately I've done a half-a-dozen games where the main player must go left. I've decided to take a break from that, and made a super-imaginative new plan. In today's game, the player goes right!
Views 31, Upvotes 9  
11th July 2011
A game? Again? Yup! Made a (URL "https://www.playmycode.com/play/game/jayenkai/not-the-same">nice little mazey thing), where you have to trek around a random maze. The maze isn't hard, but it's one of those nice "harder if you don't do it right!" style of things that I have a knack of making. Not sure why I keep doing those! I just seem to like their insane difficulty! Perhaps, in reality, my games are actually really really piss easy, and it's just me that keeps playing them wrong!? *shrugs*
Views 14, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
11th July 2011
A simple little maze game. Guide "Generic 8-bit chr #3" to grab all the little gems. You can't step on two same-coloured tiles one after the other, and try not to crumble the floors or that'll kill you, too..

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Time taken : 1 hour, and about 2 minutes!
Views 46, Upvotes 11  
10th July 2011
I've always found Flash slightly more complicated than it needs to be. For a few years I attempted to learn various versions of the official Flash demoes, and SoThink's 900% cheaper clone. They were ok, but they weren't designed for coders. Flash was an artist's tool, with tweening and vector graphics and all that other none-codery stuff.
Views 41, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
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Site credits : PHP script, Blog posts, Games, Music, Pixelart, Poems and More : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 124

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai