13800 results 0 1 2 3 ... 477 (478) 479 ... 509 510 511 Prev Next
10th July 2011
A simple Breakout game with only one level. Taking the "Keep it in play" scoring method from Centipong, I've tried to make it so that clearing the first level in breakout doesn't always result in exactly the same damn score every single feckin' time. .. That ALWAYS pissed me off! So, keep the balls juggling to super-combo your score, and see how many points you can manage from just one wall.
Views 42, Upvotes 11  
9th July 2011
As with most Saturdays, I've done naff all, today. In my iOS game, I tweaked a few sprites, changed a couple of settings, and added extra lives. But other than that, I've sat about, relaxed, watched some telly, and then did my long shift at work. Nothing to report. Saturdays are dull!
Views 13, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
8th July 2011
Got the Google Plus thing today and spent about an hour or so playing about with it's features. Twitter Lists seems the closest thing to it, in that you follow people, separate them into different groups, then flick through the groups to read/interact. Unlike Twitter Lists, though, here the grouping works both ways.. Now I could happily clump a bunch of iOS reviewers into a single group and quickly fire off a PR'ish spam bucket to all of 'em at once, without pissing off all my regular "we want chat, not s...
Views 28, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
8th July 2011
A simple little game about running around and eating pellets as they fall. yeay!

PlayMyCode games no longer work

Views 44, Upvotes 12  
7th July 2011
Another week given away to my body's desire to make me be a lazy git! I'd happily allow it, if I wasn't so damned busy! Tonight, after a week of doing nothing, I now need to write a blog, write a newsletter, and then wake up and write another game..! Thanks for that, Mr Migraine!! So, what's been happening today, then? Well, first off I wrote (URL "https://www.playmycode.com/play/game/jayenkai/space-battles">Space Battles), which is another bog standard minigame thing. Baddies, bullets, shooty sh...
Views 23, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
7th July 2011
A nice simple horizontal shooter game with a lot of bullets. *shrugs* Still, better than the past few day's games, eh!?

PlayMyCode games no longer work

Views 60, Upvotes 13  
6th July 2011
I currently seem to be lasting in 2 hour sessions at the minute. An hour of wide-awake, followed by an hour of drowsy half asleep nonsense. That's the followed by a 2 hour nap, and then the cycle restarts with me desperately trying to claw as much stuff into my wide-awake hour as I can before I start to fall asleep again. SUX!
Views 28, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
5th July 2011
I've suffered with migraines my whole life, so whenever one attacks, I can usually get rid of it by about mid-afternoon. The basic motions are as follows. Step 1. Paracetamol. Nothing stronger, since I've taught my body to control the migraines so well. Plus, if I DO take anything stronger, bad head waveyness occurs!! Step 2. Dark Room. A general tip from anyone. Lights out. Curtains shut. Close out the world. Step 3. Comedy. This one's a little unorthodox, I'll give you tha...
Views 54, Upvotes 16  
Pain , Health
3rd July 2011
Woke up with a migraine, so.. um.. yeah!

PlayMyCode games no longer work

Views 40, Upvotes 12  
2nd July 2011
Saturdays are the one day of the week that I work a semi-decent shift, with a full whole 7 hours spent at work! (blimey!!) As such, I tend to just kinda laze about through a Saturday. When at home, I treat it as my weekend. Well, usually. Today I actually spent an hour making (URL "https://alodare.tumblr.com/post/7154380666">this choon), and slapping it up onto AL's tumbly site. Other than that, though. Lazy day! For future reference, unless I've half planned to write something, Saturdays will ...
Views 15, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
1st July 2011
Today I'm focussing my blog on iOS trials and tribulations. The basic steps of designing a game when working with iOS. These are pretty simple things, and should be apparent, but .. having played a fair number of iOS games.. they're not always done! Note, this isn't really about my actual development, as such, more the train of thought that generates the end result. In a future bloggy thing, I might focus more on the what/where, than the how/why that this does. Let me know if this is a goo...
Views 67, Upvotes 21  
Ios Dev
1st July 2011
Another Day, Another Game! Today's is a little bit tricky, I must admit, but it's a nice and simple one once you get the hang of it. Tap the colour co-ordinated cursor key, just as the two fellows are meeting, and you score points. If you're too late, you get no points, and lose a life. Easy as pie'ish!
Views 42, Upvotes 13  
Whoopsy! Blog
30th June 2011
I'd already got bogged down into doing the Socoder Newsletter, there, when my beepy alarm reminded me to do my new daily bloggy thing! Good job I set that, or there'd be no blog today!
Views 43, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
30th June 2011
Because sometimes you notice Platdude on the bottom of your generic tiles spritesheet and go "hmm.. what could I do quickly with Platdude"...
Views 47, Upvotes 12  
iOS Day Blog
29th June 2011
Today I did a bucket of iOS dev, but not the think I'd been doing previously. As with a whole lot of other iOS half finished games, it seems that Microbes (MLG) will be stuck in it's special little rut until I can fathom some sort of difficulty level system that actually tries to kill the player, rather than kinda bob about a bit. Meanwhile...
Views 22, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
29th June 2011
Yup, seems like I'm doing this, so I might as well make a neat little calendar that can keep track of my progress. This is a GoogleSpreadsheet thing, so if you keep bouncing back to this page as the weeks go on, you should see it get filled up nicely. Unless I give up, in which case you won't!

iframe based Google Spreadsheets no longer seems to work

Views 30, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
28th June 2011
It's been an incredibly un-British warm weekend, here. I'm not sure why. But the past couple of nights have been spent without hardly any sleep at all. I think I've had about 5 or 6 hours in the space of 48 hours, and. .. I'm now wide awake. Which is really quite annoying!
Views 43, Upvotes 30  
Daily Blog
28th June 2011
So called because, although I know that other people love this sort of game, I really can't stand it at all.. bleugh.. Let me know if you like it..

PlayMyCode games no longer work

Views 67, Upvotes 15  
27th June 2011
Since I'm now doing AGameADay for a while, I figured it might be somewhat of a change of pace if I also did one of those "blog" things daily. I tried doing this during my previous month off, and although it kinda worked, it didn't really last.. d'oh! Still, try and try again! As a reminder, I've set up a calendar alarm thing to bleep at me, every night, at 22:15GMT. Either that'll work really well, or it'll start to tick me off, to the point where I throw my otherwise completely and totally unused H...
Views 19, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
27th June 2011
Yes, this is a lot like that one from the Advent Collection. Simply roll around, avoid the blocks, and grab the little green dots.

PlayMyCode games no longer work

Views 61, Upvotes 10  
26th June 2011
AGameAWeek teaches us one thing. Some games you win, some games you lose. When you lose, there's not a lot you can do. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. This is a post about how I threw myself on the ground.
Views 24, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
26th June 2011
Rule Number One. If you're ever making a minigame collection, there absolutely MUST be a version of snake! This is a version of snake!
Views 33, Upvotes 13  
25th June 2011
Today I've a few more PR'y bits and pieces for the Sheep Goes Left iOS thing to contend with. This is the WORST bit of iOS dev. Although.. to be honest, I didn't do ANYTHING for SpikeDislike. SpikeDislike just kinda took off on it's own, so the fact that sheepy isn't is.. well.. .. bah. Screw it, carry on. I'm considering my daily routine, and how I can slot in the AGameADay's. I might make some sort of timetable or something, so I can fit it all in, not sure, but we'll see. I normally have Sund...
Views 20, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
23rd June 2011
The other day I suggested that a new set of AGameADay might be in order, since I'm totally stuffed for ideas, lately. Out of ideas, make the requirement more.... Sure, that makes sense, right?! Anyhoo, today I spent . um.. all day.. doing yet another one of those Framework things that I apparently love to do. This time I used PlayMyCode.com, and the resulting menu/score/game thing has actually worked out quite nicely. First game, Chase The Block, a simple chasey game. Created (using PlayMyCode....
Views 44, Upvotes 12  
Sleepy! Blog
21st June 2011
Seem to be having a bit of a down-session, lately. I'm pretty sure it's down to the fact that Sheep Goes Left is going mostly ignored. I'm going to try and give it a bit of a shove in a day or two, once the Lite edition shows up, but judging by the fact that it's getting next to no interest, I think we're already at the "aw well, next!" point. Damn, that's depressing!
Views 28, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
Repeat Blog
21st June 2011
This week, I started a game on a grid. It started well enough, with a lovely grid-doodling method making nice colourful griddy squares, and a simple circle on the top for the player. Then I got to the point where I had to do character movement, and my head just kinda went "Ugh.. I just can't be arsed!!" (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/NoGoA.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/NoGoA-300x236.png" alt="" title="NoGoA" width="300" height="236" clas...
Views 25, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
19th June 2011
I'm sitting, trying to type, but I'm so tired it's all coming out as bizarre random codey bits, and nothing's really working out at all. Things achieved since last sunday 1. Puzzobomb PlayMyCode 2. 2 ALChoons 3. Drum machine mixeybob thing, started, sounding ok, still not quite there yet.. 4. Sheep Goes Left, 100 level pack + new ingame objects + organised menu to do both the packs. (upped to Apple, waiting for release) 5. Sheep Goes Left Lite, albeit cheated 'cos in the end I figured having to make...
Views 21, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
13800 results 0 1 2 3 ... 477 (478) 479 ... 509 510 511 Prev Next
Site credits : Jayenkai made this.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 163

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai