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JSE - Crazy Day Blog
18th May 2021
I *think* everything's working again!!


Had a horrific day with scaling, yesterday.
I was almost certain I'd gotten everything working properly, but the font size is still intermittently quirky.

For some really weird reason, the font seems to not quite reset after the Graphics command.
I've tried my best to fix it, but it's been quirky since the start of this project and doesn't appear to want to do what it's supposed to be doing.
As soon as you use either the SetFontSize or the ResetDraw command, it'll settle down to do what it's supposed to, but until then it can, quite frankly, be whatever the heck size it wants to be!!

To help alleviate some of the potential scaling issues, be sure to use the ResetDraw command at the start of a loop. I tend to stick one next to a CLS.
I didn't want to force a ResetDraw or SetFontSize automatically, as that might interrupt something you're already doing, but..

Just to be safe!!

Everything else "appears" to be working well enough. Just that fonts aren't quite scaling properly.


The Minus-issue is about 30% fixed.

For n=-3 to 3
print n
works like it's supposed to..
but print -3 doesn't.

Well, the parser can't tell yet, what "print" is supposed to be. It could be a keyword, it could be a label, it could be a function name, or it could be a variable.
Then it's seeing "minus 3" and isn't sure if that should be "The value of the thing that might be a variable, with 3 subtracted" or "a command... .. Minus3"

I've added a whole host of symbols into the mix.
If it reaches "Symbol -3", it figures that's probably more than likely a Minus3.

If you type Print (-3) then it works fine.
.. But I don't want to be forcing that on people.
For the meantime, be aware that minuses might screw up! I can only apologise for that.

Today.. More work on the new Project List.
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