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15th December 2021
I have to get some more work done on that Pixelart Painter thing, today.


I've been neglecting it, and faffing about with other things.
By now, the new "With an Arrow" thumbnails should've shown up at the top of the site for you.
I spent most of yesterday working on the best way for those to work, but I'm still disappointed that the SmileBASIC logo is as scrunched in as it is, on the Save the Crates one.

There's oodles of space there, but that large computer image is eating it all up.
In addition, the text isn't always clear.
I'm definitely going to have to work on Logo design, too.

I've only uploaded those few top-bar icons, since going through all of them will literally mean going through all the games, one by one, so for now it'll have to do the job.

Today, I need to get back to the Pixelart Painter, and see if I can come up with a better GUI for it.
I'm worried my entire Art/Design mental powers for the year might've been used up on those icons!
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