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Y7 - D228 - Running Along Blog
16th August 2015


With the player physics in place, and a few tweaks to the screen scrolling, it's time to start work on the level builder.
Now I need to focus on both designing art to fit the style of gameplay, a half-a-dozen themes, as well as making the level builder work in a suitable way to create some nice enough levels, with plenty of variety, and also ensuring that all the levels are completable. ...
That last part will probably be trickiest!
I think I'll have to design an AI Player to run through the levels and ensure there's a suitable path, or something. hmmm..

Anyhoo, plenty to go.

Over the next few days/weeks, expect to see this sort of video over and over again, until something nice emerges!



A nice slow Choon, today.

Daily Doodle : Losing

Shock, horror! Platdude is losing to a new sleek competitor!
.. Then again, Platdude's never been a very good runner.


Today's mail comes from Baconman

A game is a game, but what matters is that you're doing better now. Accomplishing "rest" > accomplishing "nothing." Rock on, Jay.


Indeed, but when it comes to writing a daily blog, Accomplishing Rest doesn't make for a very interesting post
Perhaps if I did anything other than sitting about, that might make for interesting tales, but .. well...

Meh.. :

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D228 - Running Along - AGameAWeek