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30th June 2016


It's Thursday, and I still haven't even started to work on this week's game.


I spent most of yesterday playing around with Puzzobomb.
I *think* I've more or less got the new menu working, but until I actually go through a series of levels, I'm not 100% sure that I got all my maths right!
Complicated stuff, is maths..

Still, it "looks" nice enough, and that's the main thing.

Other than that, I spent a bit more time stripping out nasty old unused code from my framework, to make it a little more streamlined.
I've also been switching a lot of the function-jumps to be hardcoded. Sure it makes everything a little less tweakable, but for things that I haven't changed in years, it's probably better to have the speed of a hardcoded variable, than a hundred jumps to "SetColor" every single frame!!

.. Or at least, that's what I reckon, anyway!

It'll probably come back to haunt me, later.

Daily Doodle : Tuning In

Platdude was assured this AV to RF adapter would work perfectly fine.
He's definitely starting to have his doubts.


I'm trying to find you.
I know you're here, somewhere.
I need my black trousers.
They're my favourite pair.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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