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Daily Blog Blog
5th October 2017


The menu's now working, and the absolute basics of the world functions are in place. The game now runs about as well as it did the last time I made it!!

Today will be about designing more themes and adding new obstacles, as well as hopefully adding a choon or two.


Aww, what a cute little Sheepy

I also need to add "attempts" to the menu like the previous version.
3 sheep on the menu if you complete the level first time, 0 if you've struggled quite badly, and then the skip button..
.. Oh yeah, I need to add a skip button, too!

Still, things are flowing well.
I'm not 100% sure I'll get everything done by Sunday, but that's still my current aim.
If I can't get more than about 5 pieces of music done by the weekend, though, I'll likely expand the game for a few more days.
The one piece of music that's in there is working well, but gets a bit repetitive after half-a-dozen levels!!


As well as the game, I've been digging through the server's stats and things, trying to filter out as much of the evil spambots as I can along the way.
Yesterday I stumbled upon a botnet which seems intent on hacking into the WordPress site.
Well, bad news Botnet. There's no more WordPress, here!

Between the botnet and the evils of Semrush, I've now cleared out about 1/3rd of the bots that are romping around the site on a daily basis.
It doesn't make things "Better", but it does at least keep the usage stats down a little, which is good for bandwidth and eventually the cost of the server!
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Daily Blog
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