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Data : Input Blog
21st December 2019
You know what I REALLY should do?
I should code a data transfer tool that uses the JoyCon's IR Camera to pick up data blasts from the PC, so that I can send information that I create on the PC over to the Switch.

But I haven't done that, yet.


And so, yesterday, for a really really long time, I sat and copied out 200 short compressed chunks of data.
Thankfully, the Biscuit levels are fairly tiny in size. 5x5 grid, mostly either 1 or 0, with the biscuits added on top.
As such, I was able to compress the data down to simple letters and dashes.
Each row of 5 binary bits becomes a 0-31 value, so can be represented by either an uppercase or lowercase letter.
The location of the Biscuits is then added on top as an extra letter, A being top left, Y being bottom right.

The generator (The old generator, btw, so these levels will still be pure evil!) spits out each level like the image on the left.

.. and then I did what any perfectly sane person would do.
I sat, and I typed it all out, onto the Switch..
One level at a time.
Typing.. Typing.. Typing.. Typing..

What I REALLY should've done, is started work on that IRCamera Transfer tool thing.
But.. meh.. whatever..

Job done..

Now I need only code the entire game, around the levels.
Should be easy..!!
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