New games every week!
Starting Afresh Blog
23rd January 2021
Today's the day I need to start a new SmileBASIC game.


I tweeted that I had no idea what to do, last night, at which point @xanderten50 suggested that I do either Battleships or Scorched Tanks.

One of the sillier Browsercade games, Hillside Conquest, is indeed a mini Scorched Tanks game.

I had to make use of extra image buffers and pixel-based ground collapsing and things like that, to get that edition working well.

Overnight, my head's been "plotting" ways to do it in SmileBASIC.
I'm not 100% sure I can pull it off, but I think it'll be something to try out.

So, that's my task for the next couple of days. First off, how well can I get buffered pixel-based ground-collapsing to work, effectively, on the switch..


The weather.. Crikey!!
Two days ago, Britain was in the middle of a huge storm. Winds blowing, hail pelting, floods flooding. Chaos.
Yesterday was lovely and sunny and bright, not a cloud in the sky.

This morning... A snow covered winter wonderland.

You really couldn't make it up!
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Daily Blog , Planning
New games every week!
Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
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