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Getting to Sleep Blog
9th August 2024
I think my brain switched off again, last night!


My day's usually split into three segments.
Morning, Evening and Night.
The Mornings are filled with daily blogs, and then a good coding session until mid-afternoon, after which I take a bit of a break, watch a couple of hours of afternoon TV and eat my main meal of the day.
Beyond that is Evening where I lazily sit on the couch, doing coding whilst the (admittedly rather dull) UK version of "Prime Time TV" is on in the background. Here in the UK, this isn't exciting dramas, modern Scifi, exciting thrillers. No, this is Soaps.
The UK has around about 7 or 8 hours of Soap Operas broadcast during what's supposed to be Prime Time, and it's insanely mind-numbing on multiple levels.
After this quality time of tapping away endlessly at code whilst avoiding the dramas of the Dingles, it's off to bed for segment three of the day which is typically spent doing musical based things, and occasionally the odd "awake until 3, coding" stuff.

Over the past few days, segment three hasn't been going all that well.
I've actually been .. *gasp* ... sleeping, like some sort of "normal" person.
My late night coding is all but abandoned, and the ALChoons are being deserted.
Case in point, I've still barely started this Wednesday's ALChoon, and it's already Friday.
Good grief.

I need to shuffle my sessions, I reckon.
Or maybe grab some big chunky headphones so I can make some music whilst Corrie's on!


I ordered a tin of paint from off of the Amazon, last Wednesday (a week and 2 days ago) and the seller opted to send it using Evri delivery service.
Evri received the tin of paint on August 1st.
Today is the 9th, and we've still no paint.
The little "tracker" is just sitting there saying "We've Got It!"...
Sure would be nice if I HAD IT....
Evri/Hermes, whatever they want to call themselves.
They're still an utter bloody shambles.

A.I. Corner

: Download | Suno Link

Alternative version
: Download | Suno Link
Sung by Suno

Udio Alternative
[mp3] | Udio Link
Sung by Udio

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