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Recovery Day Blog
14th October 2024
Saturday was spent entertaining guests for a few hours.
Sunday was spent recovering from it!!


Oh dear. I think I slept for about 17 hours, yesterday. I was awake between about half twelve and five'ishs, but then zonked out again, and didn't wake up again until around 10pm.
I'm fairly sure that's the general exhaustion of trying to be alert and somewhat vaguely presentable during Saturday's meal+chatting, but Mum suspects that something I ate might've triggered off some sort of "need to sleep/recovery" thing.
We did eat a lot of Chinese food on Saturday, and a fairly large rash emerged at one point, leading to me taking an antihistamine to calm things down.
I don't *think* that's what caused my insane amount of sleeping, but.. Hey, you never know, right!?!

The worrying thing is, since we had one of those "pick at bits, mix it all up" sorts of meals, I'm not 100% sure what it was that caused my rash. I'm fairly sure it was either the onions or the prawns, though. One thing I've definitely learned, is that I DO NOT do well with Prawn Crackers.
I've always avoided them, since I'm not a fan of prawn flavours, but figured "what the heck, we're eating everything, let's go!!!"
And within about 5 seconds of eating the prawn cracker, things were spinning like crazy!!

So, avoid those, then, Jay!!

That is to say, didn't get a whole lot done, this weekend!!
I spent a couple of hours making a vague start on the SoCoder Uploader overhaul, but only got as far as neatening up the elements, making the squares a bit more square, and reducing the number of MP3s that show up (because, boy, were they getting to be a clutter!!)
Honestly, it's nothing to write home about, but it's a start that'll allow me to continue to build up the interface into something a little less crazy.
.. I hope.

A.I. Corner

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