New games every week!
About : AGameAWeek... Blog
9th December 2009


Email :
YouTube : Jayenkai
Patreon : Jayenkai
Facebook : Jayenkai
Mastodon : @Jayenkai/
Twitter (while it lasts) : @Jayenkai

Hi. I'm Jayenkai.

Every week, I make games. Sometimes one. Sometimes none. Occasionally three. The number varies, based on how much energy/imagination I can muster.

Over the many years that I've been doing this, there's been an extremely varied selection of games, from absolute gems, to complete stinkers, but each and every week there's something new, and if you're happy to try new things, then be sure to follow along, and you might stumble upon a few games that you'll grow to love.

Each week, I try my best to make new games for you to play. But I also make Weekly Music, Daily Pixelart as well as a silly little 4 line Daily Verse, too.

If this is your sort of thing then stick around, and enjoy the ride.

Contact Jayenkai

My general email address for anything you'd like to send my way.
Be aware that if you email me, you'll generally get a long rambling reply.
I like to waffle in my emails.
If you'd prefer I keep things short, use the Mastodon/Twitter/Facebook links above, instead, or post something to the comments of the site, where I'll eventually find them should I remember to scan through the comments!


If you'd like to send me a monthly donation, in return for me giving you all of these wonderfully amazing things, then you can do that via Patreon.

I currently don't have any "bonus" items to give away, mostly because everything ends up being given away for free, here, but if you'd like to donate out of the kindness of your heart, this is probably the best way to "subscribe" to the world of AGameAWeek.

Consider how many of my games you've enjoyed over the years, and whether you think that's worth a small donation each month..

PayPal Donations

You should be able to send a one-off donation via PayPal by using the following link. Assuming PayPal let you. They can be a bit tetchy, sometimes!

All donations are gratefully received, and will be added to the all important "Noodle Fund".
They'll also occasionally go towards server costs, because.. Those ain't getting any cheaper!
Views 12138, Upvotes 219  
New games every week!
Site credits : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 78

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