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30th June 2016


It's Thursday, and I still haven't even started to work on this week's game.


I spent most of yesterday playing around with Puzzobomb.
I *think* I've more or less got the new menu working, but until I actually go through a series of levels, I'm not 100% sure that I got all my maths right!
Complicated stuff, is maths..

Still, it "looks" nice enough, and that's the main thing.

Other than that, I spent a bit more time stripping out nasty old unused code from my framework, to make it a little more streamlined.
I've also been switching a lot of the function-jumps to be hardcoded. Sure it makes everything a little less tweakable, but for things that I haven't changed in years, it's probably better to have the speed of a hardcoded variable, than a hundred jumps to "SetColor" every single frame!!

.. Or at least, that's what I reckon, anyway!

It'll probably come back to haunt me, later.

Daily Doodle : Tuning In

Platdude was assured this AV to RF adapter would work perfectly fine.
He's definitely starting to have his doubts.


I'm trying to find you.
I know you're here, somewhere.
I need my black trousers.
They're my favourite pair.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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