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Back to the Trek
10th July 2020
Right then, back to that Trek'y game.
-=-=- Enemies and Objects. I'm thinking this might end up quite a lot like "Space Station : A6-100", in that it'll be a lonely romp through a maze with occasional enemies turning up. I need to decide on "shots per kill", too. I've made the phaser so that you need to wait for it to recharge, and can only fire about 10 shots in rapid succession. But insta-kill might be too powerful. Maybe it could be like the Stargate Zat'nik'tel.. One shot to stun, another to kill, and the third to disintegrate. That might work better.. Maybe!? No idea. First task, adding enemies and objects, and then seeing where it goes from there. MeanwhileThe "Wiggle Worm" game seems to be oddly popular over on SmileBASIC, with Highscore Battles already taking place! Can you beat @MasaSwitch's highscore of 16,441 points!? Views 100, Upvotes 13
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