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20th July 2015


In the past couple of nights, I've begun to work on AL's new AL Bum, and have decided that it's going to be titled "Liquid" As per the past few AL Bums, each track will have a different ALphabetical title, from A-Z, but this time with the added benefit of all the tracks being vegetables. Why? Because I'm rubbish at coming up with names for songs, and this is a lazy way to do it! ( width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="...
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Daily Blog
9th July 2015


Yesterday was mostly musical, as I tweaked a couple of ALChoons to fit the new themes, rerendered them, and then compressed them into the game. With all five new themes now having choons, I suppose I should really get those new challenges worked into the engine, eh!? Oddly, rather than thinking about gameplay styles, I've found myself doodling another new theme, and am already planning the next one in my head, too. Hmm.. That's no good! Must concentrate, and get the important ...
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Daily Blog
8th May 2015


Not much! Or, at least, nothing I can show off just yet. I'm struggling to design decent looking new themes, whilst trying to stay clear of repeating what was in SD2. Which is a lot.. Meaning I've made my job much much harder!!! Meanwhile, I'm still fiddling about with layers. They "sometimes" work, but occasionally get in the way of the raw gameplay, which is BAD!! Going to have to put a lot of planning into exactly what sort of foreground elements may or may not work for the...
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Daily Blog
3rd May 2015


Yesterday I settled into "Music Mode", where I can generally whip out an AL CHOON for whatever purpose. Unfortunately, after a good two hours of twiddling dials and buttons in Korg Gadget (iPad only) I came out with absolutely nothing decent whatsoever. Ashamed that I'd wasted a good amount of time pretty much doing nothing, I instead decided to load up some old Choons, and see if they worked within the new SpikeDislike3 engine. Good news! SpikeDislike3 will have music!! On t...
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Daily Blog
Rocking Hero Pixelart
#24 - 24th January 2015
Views 133, Upvotes 16  
27th December 2014
<a href="">Alpha Collexion</a> was AGameAWeek's 2014 Advent Calendar. You can <a href="">Download it Here</a> for Windows, OUYA or playable in your browser using HTML5. All games are now unlocked, and will remain playable forever! woot!
Views 65, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
30th November 2014
(URL "">Alpha Collexion) is AGameAWeek's 2014 Advent Calendar. You can (URL "">Download it Here) for Windows, OUYA or playable in your browser using HTML5. (URL ""><img src="">

Abstract Action

Concept J-Walker reborn without ...
Views 13, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
18th May 2014
I'm a bit sad, tonight, as I reach Letter Y in AL'S Conspicuous Album. ( width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="">> Since I bought (URL "">Korg Gadget for the iPad), I've been playing about with lots of varied twiddly tunes, whils...
Views 32, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
19th March 2013
Before anyone complains, no, this is not a game! This week's release is a "Utility!" ooooh! Don't worry, I won't be making a habit out of this. To be honest, I was kinda expecting to be able to half-ass a game, this week, but I've spent so much time on this, that I just didn't get around to it. No matter, this is a silly little plaything, and if you're even slightly musically capable you'll probably get a kick out of it.
Views 102, Upvotes 19  
18th April 2011

Views 36, Upvotes 12  
Ios Dev
2nd June 2010
"What ever happened to midis that we used to have in games, and all the little tunes we used to hear whilst we were playing Doom. Whenever we played we would forget about the quality, because we were too busy shooting Demons in the face with ammo..." .. Then I couldn't think of any more lyrics. Never mind, the tune was created, and sat on my hard drive for about a year or two. Obviously titled FM because it sounds like a classic FM midi file! Later on, I decided to use it on my JNKx15 ...
Views 30, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
5th May 2010
Gettin' a wee bit messy, this week, isn't it.. hmm.. Lots going on, and commenting all over the place. Might need to do something about that.. Anyhoo... WarioWare DIY Thanks for the Wario-adds so far, and I'm glad to see there's some interesting games coming out of it. ExciteMike's getting some nice little games going, and I've been playing around with Shadow's little boss thing. Not really sure what was going on with that Platdude tune, though, Jiro!! Games will stay up unti...
Views 32, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
27th May 2009
I made a start on this game a few days ago, and things seem to be progressing at a decent enough rate. The basic gameplay engine is in there, now. The test level (200x50 blocks) loads, platdude can run around, grab onto bars, jump around and use ladders. He can also work plungers and have the blocks open and shut accordingly. So, that's all nice! You might notice that the graphics are looking remarkably similar to JNKPlatDS08. That's because they ARE those graphics! The engine loads t...
Views 59, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
18th June 2007
OK, lets see how well we go with this. Taking a slight page from Prospero, I decided to setup a Wordpress page. I'm (hopefully!) going to be using this site to keep track of all my old Games and Musical pieces, so they'll all be easily accessible. It'll probably not work, but it's at least worth a try, right?
Views 115, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog
311 results 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (11)
Site credits : PHP script, Blog posts, Games, Music, Pixelart, Poems and More : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 278

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai