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30th September 2015


I got a new "Timer or Event" bar under the score, in NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventure, which either displays a depleting timer for things like Shields and Speedups, or a set of blocks when displaying weapons and whatnot. It's a fairly simply little bar, and isn't much to write home about, but there it is! Meanwhile I'm also finding (or rather, other people are finding..) a weird quirk with some of my older games, on some Android devices. It seems that upon first load, the games occa...
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Daily Blog
28th September 2015


NPA2 is now NPCA, as it finally finds a proper title, "NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventure". I spent about 5 or 6 hours trying out various programs desperate to find a nice way to get a properly designed logo that would curve around the edge of the planet. In the end, I did what I usually did, and opted to just do the bloomin' thing myself. Ingredients 1. (URL "">BlitzMax) 2. Selection of Fonts from (URL "">10...
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Daily Blog
27th September 2015


Yesterday I spent far too long attempting something that, inevitably didn't actually go anywhere. As I continue on my alphabetised fixups of OUYA games, I found myself reaching Boxsplodings. I've never been happy with the fact that there are "only" 64 levels in this game, and last night I attempted to make a random level generator for the game. Unfortunately, all resulting attempts ended up looking boring, dull, and somewhat similar. More work on that, in the future, I reckon. ...
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Daily Blog
26th September 2015


The first of my games finally passed through PlayJam/GameStick review, yesterday. (Good to know that ONLY took 5 days, even though I was on "the fast track"!! Compare that to the fact that OUYA's reviewed all 5 of the games I've so far uploaded!) A very thorough review, where the only complaints were as follows. 1. If you pause the game, go into the menu, turn off the music, then turn it back on, it doesn't actually restart until you've quit the game. This has been a "feat...
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Daily Blog
25th September 2015


I'm seriously struggling to remember what all I did, yesterday! I oughta keep a note of these things. I know I uploaded another game to OUYA and PlayJam, and I also know I spent a good hour or so tweaking NeonPlat Adventures 2.. .. But I can't, for the life of me, remember what it was that I actually did!! I blame the cat, who woke me up far too early, which led to a day of messing about and not really accomplishing much, before finally heading back to bed for a "short nap"...
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Daily Blog
24th September 2015


Yesterday, I finally (*finally!!*) got around to adding a life display to NeonPlat Adventures 2! (URL ""><img src="" alt="NPA2_017" width="604" height="352" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-5060" /> There they are at the top, between the score and the "coin" count. Two little NeonPlats doing ...
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Daily Blog
23rd September 2015


So, with all my games now missing from OUYA, it's time to start popping them all back on again. One by one, I'm opening old code, fixing up any issues, and getting the games updated to the newer framework. The new controller code is a piece of piss, since I did all that work in the Monkey Target part of Monkey. Essentially, I need only hit the recompile button, and the new controller code magically fits itself into the game. The tricky part is adding a "Quit Game" menu item to...
Views 21, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
22nd September 2015


Here's, approximately, the insane list of things that did/didn't happen, yesterday. 1. Compile first of about 40 games for the big OUYA Fixup. Went easy enough, and the new controls seem to work just fine. Woot! 2. Upload to OUYA. Didn't work. The whole Certificate thing stopped me, so instead I asked Team OUYA to DELETE ALL MY GAMES!! This gives me a fresh, clean slate to work with, and should help things run a little bit smoother. 3. Waiting for them to do that.. They...
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Daily Blog
21st September 2015


Yesterday was spent doing four tasks. 1. Converting recent ALChoons to work with NeonPlat's ingame music engine. Not all of them were a success, mind! Some of the more frantic choons ended up being a bit of a mess, so have been scrapped. 2. Recreating some of the "Hat" powerups from NeonPlat Adventures 1. I've now turned all 6 of the turret enemies into "8 bullets" hats. I'm not sure how to display "bullets remaining", as at the moment, the character's looking a bit .. um.. ...
Views 13, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
10th September 2015


Yesterday I posted a test version of NeonPlat Adventure 2 over on the OUYA Forum, where people could download and test the game, to see how it is in it's current state. Of the two commenters so far, I don't think either of them actually have tried it out, yet, which is a shame because in the world of AGameAWeek, I'm going to be ploughing ahead, and any issues they come up with will probably be out of date by the time they tell me about them! (This is why AGameAWeek is usually done...
Views 9, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
6th September 2015


I won't make you put up with the current horror show of the game's ingame music generator thing. I managed to get it "working" last night, but the difference between "working" and "not sounding like shit" are somewhat lengthy. Instead, here's a video of the game with just the sound effects added in, and I'm sure you'll agree, it's quite an improvement. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Views 34, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
5th September 2015


Aaah, Spikes! (URL ""><img src="" alt="NPA2_010" width="704" height="200" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5006" /> A common feature in videogames since the early days, and one of the great standards of Dislike! Touch a spike, and you instantly respawn at your last checkpoint. .. Like, Instantly!! Toda...
Views 22, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
26th August 2015


Last night I added some blocks to the Level Generator, which of course then required me to faff about adding extra rules to the player, and the baddies, and the other objects, to ensure they collide "roughly" correctly with the tilemap. It didn't take too long to get the basics in, but having to essentially rewrite the rules for half-a-dozen different object types meant for a long and complex bit of work. ( width="560" height="315" src=""...
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Daily Blog
22nd August 2015


Each week or so, Korg send out a newsletter, and for the past couple of weeks I've been trying to ignore their little competition, but last night after receiving yet another email about it, I figured it was about time I gave it a shot. So, I put down NeonPlat for the night, and turned to my iPad to do some mixing. ( width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="
Views 64, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
20th August 2015


Tackling multicoloured craziness in HTML5 is NOT an easy task.. Desktop (and/or Android, OUYA, iOS, etc) version (URL ""><img src="" alt="NPA2_004" width="604" height="320" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4963" /> And by comparison, the HTML5 version (URL "
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Daily Blog
18th August 2015


Yesterday's task was to get basically collectables, items, that kind of thing to work properly. I haven't yet added the whole lot, but thought that one useful "collectable" might be a checkpoint. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> A simple looking flag, which lights up and animates when touched, and is your respawn point should you die. .. Of course, in the ...
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Daily Blog
17th August 2015


A slight issue with the vertical scrolling is that a lot of the graphics in NeonPlat rely on thin lines. Most of the time, this isn't a problem, but when it's all scrolling up and down with pixel precision, there's a ludicrous amount of flickering going on, and it's somewhat unpleasant on the eyes. I'm going to have to (somehow!) put a stop to that, but .. hmmm.. So many devices, so many pixel density's, and so many screen resolutions. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to mana...
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Daily Blog
13th August 2015


General rule of thumb. If you have a migraine, STOP CODING!! It took me about half an hour of confused bafflement yesterday, to figure out why a simple "Create a line of floor tiles" was completely refusing to work properly. As it turns out, I was making a completely stupid schoolboy error. I was doing (Y*Height)+X instead of (Y*Width)+X, when referencing my array, which was causing all manner of tile-based issues along the way. How incredibly silly of me! Once I realised ...
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Daily Blog
12th August 2015


Since the HTML edition of NeonPlat Adventures 2 will use a slightly different method to recolour the tilemap, it means I need to try and make the two different methods as close to each other as I can. Yesterday I started to tackle this issue. It's not 100% perfect, but I'm sure with a little number crunching, I'll manage to get the two editions looking "mostly" the same! (URL ""><img src="
Views 16, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
11th August 2015


Uhoh! Forgot about colours!!! That's going to make NeonPlat Adventures particularly tricky, should I want to include an HTML5 edition. .. and, of course, I DO want to include an HTML5 edition, so I guess I'm going to have to retackle the whole "multicoloured scenery" issue. And so I spent most of yesterday drawing some basic template scenery and getting it all ready. I added a whole new section to my re-renderer engine, and now it's spitting out high quality assets in 9 differ...
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Daily Blog
10th August 2015


I think we can now safely say that SpikeDislike3's been a bit of a wet duck. I expected more from it, and I really did enjoy making it, but .. Meh, whatever.. It's hard to get noticed in this great big crazy world of ours. I'd expect myself to be a little more disappointed by this scenario, but oddly I instead find myself thinking "OK, Now What!?" I guess that doing AGameAWeek for so long has taught me that, whenever something doesn't work, there's still something else around the...
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Daily Blog
6th August 2015

Melodical Developments

Last night I re-rendered and uploaded the entire (URL "">Precarious Al Bum to Annoyingly, I forgot to trim the tails on the tracks, so they all end with about a half-a-second of silence. Ooops.. I'll have to poke around in's settings and see if I can update the files, but I imagine they're probably going to have to stay like that. Aw well.. Meanwhile, I also created a new track for the Liquid A...
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Daily Blog
2nd August 2015


I could've sworn I did SOMETHING, yesterday! ..but can I remember what? I should probably jot these things down, as I go! I know I had SpikeDislike3's source open for a bit, but then I also had BlastTrax's source open, too. If I want to update BlastTrax, I first need to upgrade it's framework, and then add some music. hmmm. Then I messed about with Arcade Slots. I do enjoy Arcade Slots, but other people still hate the "randomness" of it all. Weird.. So, yeah, I actual...
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Daily Blog
22nd May 2015


Lots of background work, yesterday, as I continued to work on the menu system. (URL ""><img src="" alt="SD3_023" width="640" height="480" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4641" /> The two circles on the right currently show the topmost highscore of the level selected, as well as the last score. Now you c...
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Daily Blog
19th May 2015


Ho, Ho, Ho!! (URL ""><img src="" alt="SD3_017" width="604" height="352" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4631" /> I don't know why this theme popped into my head, last night, but there it is! A wonderfully festive xmassy theme. Will this be part of the regular game, or will it only turn up at Xm...
Views 19, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
1st May 2015


Yesterday was spent fixing up little things in SpikeDislike3. I got Predetermined Layouts working, but still haven't bothered to implement any sort of collision detection! Still, you can now start a round, have it spawn the spikes in the same place, and then exit back to the menu. Having the spikes show up in the same place, is of course super important in SpikeDislike, as you learn the layouts of the level, and try not to die for ages and ages. I'll have to add a couple of ra...
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Daily Blog
22nd February 2015
As has become a tradition on iOS, My Birthday = Free Spikes for Everybody!! (URL ""><img src="" alt="(null)" class="alignnone size-full" /> This is, alarmingly, the fifth year that I've done this, and .. Honestly, that's scary!! I can't believe that SpikeDislike is now five years old! Anyway, there it is, and it still happily r...
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Daily Blog
250 results 0 1 2 (3) 4 5 6 7 8 9
Site credits : Jayenkai put all his heart and soul into everything you can see on this site.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 314

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai