250 results 0 1 2 3 4 (5) 6 7 8 9
25th June 2013
I wanted to have made a nice big super-sized sequel, this week, but I got sidetracked. For starters, I played a lot of Animal Crossing, so there's that!! But that wasn't all, as this week's game took an alarming amount of time to settle into a groove. (URL ""><img src="" alt="" title="ssa" width="300" height="225" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-2981" />Views 142, Upvotes 24  
25th June 2013
Views 2249, Upvotes 81  
Platdude , Action , Arcade , Remake , Neoplat
8th June 2013
<img src="" style="float:right;">AGameAWeek Gold looks back on this day in history, and trawls through the Jayenkai Archive to see if I've previously released any interesting games, today, in the past. It's like playing around with a time machine, but without the risk of destroying the entire universe, simply because you happened to sneeze near a butterfly, or something! Today, we find two great classics.
Views 58, Upvotes 15  
Agameaweek Gold
8th March 2013
The Amiga was nearing the end of its life cycle and my local Game store was slowly getting rid of its Amiga stuff. It was sad to find all your favourite games crammed into that little corner of the store where only the geekiest kids would huddle. Then one day, I spotted a bright blue stripy box. "Blitz 2.0!??? Oooh! I'd been using AMOS ever since I got it free on an Amiga Format coverdisk, but this was finally a chance to buy a fully fledged programming language. I whipped it up. .. I say that. ...
Views 24, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
22nd February 2013
For the past couple of years, my birthday has been "SpikeDislike Freebie Day". This year, that's not going to happen The final version of SpikeDislike2 is REALLY close, but not quite close enough. SpikeDislike will be made free for a few days when SpikeDislike2 is released, in a couple of weeks time. Meanwhile, though, my first iOS Monkey game has managed to blunder it's way through Apple's review team, and is all nice and active on the AppStore, j...
Views 24, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
25th January 2013
So, here we go again. We're up to Year 5, and hopefully we'll get a full year out of it, this year (nnngh). With Monkey, we get a chance to go back over our previous games, and remake them for a new audience, with iOS, Android and Browser based versions. I expect this will prove to be an exciting year. Given that we can play at showing off, what games do you think would work best, and adapt well to the new touchy/mouse based gameplay options? Or, what games could prove to be an obscure tricky challen...
Views 36, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
5th January 2013
Even a (URL "">Brain Tumor) can't stop me from achieving 12 games in 2012!!! True, I'd've much preferred to have done AGameAWeek for the entire year, but.. meh.. whatever! (stupid tumor! hmpf)


1. (URL "">Rooty Tooty Shooty) - Garbage BlitzMax 2. (URL "">Unijuggler)
Views 38, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
29th February 2012
Holy hell, is Mario pissed off, today, or what!?


He's just running all over the place, chucking shit everywhere! Gawd, Calm down, Mario! Calm the hell down!!! RAWR!!!!! Download (If you've enjoyed this game, why not also try NeonPlat Adventures, and I just released my iOS game NeonPlat, too!)
Views 94, Upvotes 25  
28th February 2012
<a href="">NeonPlat iOS is now available in the AppStore</a>. o/yeayo/ There are a few changes, most notably that you no longer get to paint the tiles. The tile painting was one of the complaints when things were in giant HD graphics, so I kinda figured things might be even worse when downgraded to such a teensy tiny screen! Hmmm.. <a href=""><img sr...
Views 27, Upvotes 11  
18th February 2012
This is an emergency post. The future of AGameAWeek may be in jeopardy. Everything hinges on the decision I make within the next few hours. Do I do the Board Game thing, or do I do the Pancake thing?
Views 151, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
.. Nope.. Blog
12th February 2012
The Plan! NeonPlat Classic is the original edition. If I hurry up and quickly build a version of that on iOS, I can get it released in time for my Birthday, then have a 24 hour giveaway like I did with SpikeDislike last year. The Realism For some reason I wasn't thinking about the "it takes a week to pass through review" thing. Stupid bloody Apple... Never mind. I'll probably do another SpikeDislike freebie day or something, instead. Meanwhile..
Views 26, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
24th January 2012
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Key Bo & Ard Too (Screenshot_24 Jan 2012_112526)" width="300" height="225" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2270" /></a> A sequel for this week's AGameAWeek! I've been thinking about Key, Bo and Ard since I popped them into NeonPla...
Views 122, Upvotes 14  
15th January 2012
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="photo (11)" width="300" height="200" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2241" /></a> Today, I'm continuing to build a framework for my iOS games. You might've noticed that I've started a buttload of iOS games, lately, and yet I haven't finished any of the things.. I've noticed that, too, and qui...
Views 24, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
2nd January 2012
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="AGameAWeek2012_large" width="300" height="300" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2214" /></a> I still haven't finished NeonPlat Adventures iOS yet, so I'm jumping between a whole lot of work at the moment. As a result, the first few AGameAWeek games aren't going to be the most work...
Views 23, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
15th December 2011
Before starting development on NeonPlat Adventures, I took great care to test all the alternatives. I'd read online about OSX Lion breaking Blitz, and people needing to fuck about with lots of settings and things. The scary part was that developing on Lion would probably break compatibility with Snow Leopard. As such, I made a few test engines, and got people with Lion to test my games, to be 100% sure that, if I stuck with Snow Leopard, my games would be 100% compatible with BOTH sets of users. ...
Views 31, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
12th December 2011
A lot of elements are currently coming together, and things are getting a little more chaotic than I'd like them to be around Xmas time. If the past 2 years of Xmas themed chaos (12 games of Xmas, Advent Collection) have taught me one thing, it's not to EVER plan anything around Xmas! Presents, family visits and the general filling of my face with Xmas cake, will usually get in the way of the coding time, and as such I decided not to push myself into anything moronic this year. I apologise if you're deep...
Views 25, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
10th December 2011
When I was building the beta versions of NeonPlat Adventures, it always included a little readme file. The final release didn't have one, but I figured that was ok, because it was so simple it didn't really need one. The original readme was only really there to explain that beta peeps shouldn't mention the Calendar, and then I kinda rambled on a bit! Anyhoo, if you find yourself in desperate need of a readme file, this is it!
Views 91, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
5th December 2011
<a href="">Slumlord27/Moshboy's Youtube Channel</a> For a long time, Moshboy's been building a nice big list of indie games on his Youtube Channel. There's LOADS to see, and I highly recommend that you spend a month or two playing through them all! Great stuff. Today, he decided to add Kee Bo Ard to his list! yeay!
Views 28, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
4th December 2011
Half an hour!!! And, while we're at it, I've done another little vid of the iOS version. Still a long way off, though.. The menu's not even started, yet!
Views 23, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
2nd December 2011
With only a matter of weeks left until 2012, I opened up Google Docs and created "AGameAWeek : Year Four", the Spreadsheet/Calendar! Fun fact : The Olympics will be on from 27 July until 12 August. This may or may not be relevant! I've filled a few interesting dates in, with themes and things. It should help to keep us a little bit on track, but if I'm honest, they're not BIG dates.. Just little things here and there.
Views 25, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
1st December 2011
1. Socoder Newsletter 2. NeonPlat Adventures iOS 3. That 4-pack thing I started ages ago, and still haven't finished yet. (Yeah, so much for the "make 4 quicky games" plan, there, Jay!) 4. I'm apparently not doing an Advent Calendar this year. Either that or I'm going to be really really late with it!!! 5. Xmassy Spike Dislike!? 6. Probably should start JNKPlat 2012 at some point, since I've said I'm aiming for April 16th. 7. Get Monkey, Get Learning, Get building a new Framework...
Views 24, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
30th November 2011
For NeonPlat Adventures, I tried my best to get rid of all those horrible nasty evil things that I tend to cram into my games, but as with all things Jay, there's always going to be a few leftovers that seem pure evil. teehee!
Views 26, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
29th November 2011
Sorry, I missed a day or two, there.. Must be getting into the code. I say "into the code".. What I mean is, I'm getting really cheesed off by all this converting stuff and it's driving me completely insane! Lesson Learned : I need to layout my code better! .. I won't, but it's a nice lesson to learn!
Views 44, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
Tutorial Blog
26th November 2011
The following blog post contains words, which are built up using various letters. You are expected to read the words in the correct order, moving your eyes from left to right to read each line, and then moving on to the left hand side of the next line. Continue in this method until you have read all of the words of this blog post, and are <em>happy</em> with your understanding...
Views 36, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
25th November 2011
I WAS going to spend some time this week rebuilding the look of this blog, so it'd point to NeonPlat Adventures. Instead, I'll post this, and point to NeonPlat Adventures. <a href="">Get NeonPlat Adventures, Here!</a> It's FREE, and it's FANTASTIC! I'll start working on the site some other day. .. too lazy!
Views 42, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
24th November 2011
<a href="">One man, 365 games</a> Luckily, he decided against that, and has now shifted gears to a much more manageable 52 games a year, or AGameAWeek if you will. As I always say, I'll wish you all the best on your quest. It's a toughy. You have a life, and unlike me, you probably also have one of those "Social Life" thingies! These tend to get in the way. As does enjoying yourself.
Views 33, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
21st November 2011
As I was falling asleep, last night, I had a great idea for a new game. I didn't jot it down, and now I can't remember what it was, except it had something to do with a stickman running around a black and white maze. ... bugger..
Views 34, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
250 results 0 1 2 3 4 (5) 6 7 8 9
Site credits : All of the above : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 252

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai