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10th September 2015


Yesterday I posted a test version of NeonPlat Adventure 2 over on the OUYA Forum, where people could download and test the game, to see how it is in it's current state. Of the two commenters so far, I don't think either of them actually have tried it out, yet, which is a shame because in the world of AGameAWeek, I'm going to be ploughing ahead, and any issues they come up with will probably be out of date by the time they tell me about them! (This is why AGameAWeek is usually done...
Views 9, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Test Run Pixelart
#252 - 9th September 2015
Views 136, Upvotes 26  
Xmas , Santa
8th September 2015


With the music engine at a workable stage, it's time to start adding some extra danger into the game. Starting with Duck Turrets, and Jack's movements, I'm slowly starting to make the entire game a little harder. I'll also be trying to come up with a bunch of map-based obstacles to get in the way of the player, too. Basically, this is the bit that involves a lot of little tweaks, building up to a nice big fuller adventure, and sees me having to try to separate things, so that eac...
Views 11, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
#250 - 7th September 2015
Views 102, Upvotes 20  
Duck , Toy , Vehicle
7th September 2015


The music engine is now in place, and I've converted a bunch of melodies from AL's recent "Liquid" AL Bum. Thrown into the engine, they're sounding melodically "OK~ish", but those instruments aren't working out, at all. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> Today I'll be experimenting with oodles of different instrument types to see what sort of sounds work best...
Views 22, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
The Plat System Pixelart
#249 - 6th September 2015
Views 102, Upvotes 31  
Space , Science
6th September 2015


I won't make you put up with the current horror show of the game's ingame music generator thing. I managed to get it "working" last night, but the difference between "working" and "not sounding like shit" are somewhat lengthy. Instead, here's a video of the game with just the sound effects added in, and I'm sure you'll agree, it's quite an improvement. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Views 34, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Where to Start? Pixelart
#248 - 5th September 2015
Views 85, Upvotes 17  
Dinner , Etiquette
5th September 2015


Aaah, Spikes! (URL ""><img src="" alt="NPA2_010" width="704" height="200" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5006" /> A common feature in videogames since the early days, and one of the great standards of Dislike! Touch a spike, and you instantly respawn at your last checkpoint. .. Like, Instantly!! Toda...
Views 22, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
The Herd Pixelart
#247 - 4th September 2015
Views 91, Upvotes 29  
4th September 2015


I spent most of yesterday working with the pathfinding AI. The basic idea is that, once the basic level has been generated, an AI player runs through the level, trying to reach the other side. To ensure at least one of these players survives, a fleet of 32 AI players are sent over the level, and each tries to find the "best" way through. (URL ""><img src="
Views 11, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
3rd September 2015


Yesterday I started to put some effort into the "Pre-Game AI Player" stuff. It's going to be a lot more complicated than I'd thought, but I'll try my best to get it working. I basically need to create a computer player that runs through the level, ensuring that you can at least reach the end without dying. Along the way, he'll generate a path which I'll use to plant various objects like the Checkpoint flags, and perhaps some evil objects to get in your way. This won't, of cours...
Views 25, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
2nd September 2015

Gameboy Spikes

Do you own a classic Gameboy? Do you have a flashcart for it? Then today's (*yesterday) your lucky day! ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> For the past week or so, (URL "">Socoder member Rychan) has been working on a port of SpikeDislike for the Gameboy! You can (URL "">grab it here)...
Views 18, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Setting Off Pixelart
#244 - 1st September 2015
Views 92, Upvotes 20  
Vehicle , Jetpak
1st September 2015


Last night, I started watching a series on Vimeo titled (URL "">"ITV In the Face".) The show is essentially a look back at all the various UK ITV franchises, along with the history of what happened to all the different companies along the way. Thrilling stuff, I'm sure you'll agree. But it kept me awake until 5am, this morning, and is one of those "Can't stop watching" sort of TV-History documentary things that I have a nasty habit of g...
Views 36, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
#243 - 31st August 2015
Views 107, Upvotes 23  
Vehicle , Space
31st August 2015


I tried doing some music, last night, but everything I attempted turned out terribly. I guess my spurt of musical talent has run out, for now! Aw well, at least I can concentrate on getting my game done, instead. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> Yesterday I tackled Object vs Object collisions so that thrown weapons could interact with enemies and vice vers...
Views 14, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
#242 - 30th August 2015
Views 96, Upvotes 24  
Sports , Golf
30th August 2015


More complicated work playing with the level generator, yesterday. I still have LOADS to do, and progress has been somewhat slow, but I'm taking my time and trying to account for lots of different things at the same time. There are some elements that need to be missed out, this time around. Ladders and "drop down" things simply won't work on a touchscreen, unless I start making the onscreen dpad do up and down, which honestly, I'd rather not do. One single axis is plenty for mo...
Views 11, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Swimming Pixelart
#241 - 29th August 2015
Views 101, Upvotes 22  
29th August 2015


Jumped back and forth through a couple of things, yesterday, but mostly spent more time working on the level builder. Things are starting to look a little more varied, and thankfully the addition of vertical scrolling has added a little bit more. I'm currently worried about making sure the levels are completable, as I haven't yet added an AI player run-through of the level, to ensure it's at least playable. I'll have to do that next, I suppose. In the meantime, I've been ensurin...
Views 13, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
28th August 2015


Another uneventful day, yesterday. I say "uneventful", but what I actually mean is that someone on Twitter ((URL "">@AsherVo)) suggested I try out a new game on iOS, and damn... Addictive!? You bet!! I spent hours playing the bloody thing, yesterday. Between (URL "">PacMan 256), (URL "">Crossy Road's Pacman update) and (URL "
Views 19, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
The Scary House Pixelart
#239 - 27th August 2015
Views 113, Upvotes 25  
Haunted , House
27th August 2015


A rest day.. I spent most of yesterday watching YouTube videos and generally lazying about. I watched (URL "">RHLSTP), A couple of (URL "">Music) (URL "">Videos), as well as spending a good half hour watching (URL "">a man walking.) As someone who's stuck indoors most of the time, being able to watch a nic...
Views 18, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
No Escape Plan Pixelart
#238 - 26th August 2015
Views 125, Upvotes 28  
Egypt , Sand , Pyramid
26th August 2015


Last night I added some blocks to the Level Generator, which of course then required me to faff about adding extra rules to the player, and the baddies, and the other objects, to ensure they collide "roughly" correctly with the tilemap. It didn't take too long to get the basics in, but having to essentially rewrite the rules for half-a-dozen different object types meant for a long and complex bit of work. ( width="560" height="315" src=""...
Views 20, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Platface Pixelart
#237 - 25th August 2015
Views 121, Upvotes 36  
4412 results 0 1 2 3 ... 144 (145) 146 ... 161 162 163 Prev Next
Site credits : All of the above : Jayenkai
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AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai