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Washing Day Pixelart
#153 - 2nd June 2015
Views 86, Upvotes 15  
Washing , Undressed
2nd June 2015


Yesterday was spent tweaking a few odds and sods that I never really got around to doing previously. I, of course, added a few extra levels, and I added "OUYA Controller Button Icons" to the main menu, so it's marginally more obvious that you can use the shoulder buttons to open the Options menu and Scoreboard. (URL ""><img src="" a...
Views 33, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
#152 - 1st June 2015
Views 90, Upvotes 21  
1st June 2015


A busy day, yesterday, as I set about building more of those Mission/Level things for SpikeDislike3. I've now got marginally different Mission modes for 10 of the 13 themes, although "Super X!" seems to appear a fair number of times! With only 3 more sets of levels to create, I'm pretty much nearing the end of development, although there's a bunch more extra bits that I might end up throwing in. Anyway, I figured now's about as good a time as any, to give you an idea of my targ...
Views 18, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Wasn't Me.. Pixelart
#151 - 31st May 2015
Views 102, Upvotes 33  
Platizen , Burglar
31st May 2015


Guess who forgot to hit the "Submit for Review" button on Invisible Munky 2!!? That's right!! I blame Apple.. It used to be that you'd have to have iTunesConnect open at the same time as Application Loader, and juggle the two until it did what you wanted to. Recently, though, they've completely overhauled iTunesConnect, and I found myself doing 99% of the tasks via the Windows Laptop. By the time it came to uploading the release, I was using the Mac, and stupidly forgot all a...
Views 100, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
The Highscore Pixelart
#150 - 30th May 2015
Views 82, Upvotes 12  
30th May 2015


OK, I *think* I managed to post Invisible Munky 2, correctly, to iTunes Connect! Unfortunately, due to the world in which Apple operates, we're going to have to wait just over a week to know for sure, as we wait for it to get through the stringent Apple Review gubbins. No doubt, even if it's as broken as Cardagain is, it'll still get through, so I'll be counting on the masses of Twitter-folk to let me know if it works on all the different types of devices that are out there. My...
Views 19, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
29th May 2015


RAWR!!! Wednesday went swimmingly well, with all the pieces falling into place, and everything being awesome and cool. It stands to reason, then, that my Thursday didn't go quite as well. I decided to try my hand at getting Invisible Munky 2 into the AppStore. It started with me having to upgrade my "Icon Resizer" tool, to account for the 150,000 new icon sizes that have appeared since iPhone 6 and Plus came out. I also just about managed to figure out the new "Launch Scree...
Views 64, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Top Attraction Pixelart
#148 - 28th May 2015
Views 103, Upvotes 25  
Mirror , Fairground
28th May 2015


A quick video.. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> About a week ago, I booted up the MacMini to test compile SpikeDislike3 onto my iPad. I was SHOCKED by how poor the functionality of the MacMini was. Slow, unresponsive, and certainly not what you'd call "Useful" in any way shape or form. I guess that's what happens when you buy a Mac Mini in 2010, and only e...
Views 17, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
Taking Off Pixelart
#147 - 27th May 2015
Views 91, Upvotes 27  
Vehicle , Platizens
27th May 2015


A lot of yesterday was spent fiddling about with new Challenges. In actuality, I only ended up adding one single challenge type, but I also spent a LONG time ensuring that the challenge was indeed do-able. I'm going to be honest, and say that a lot of these challenges are going to be tricky for newcomers, but hopefully the fact that the "3 fails = unlock" mechanic's in place, will help that, somewhat. (URL ""><i...
Views 15, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Entertainment Pixelart
#146 - 26th May 2015
Views 109, Upvotes 29  
Jester , Platizen
26th May 2015

Twitter Rant

This morning, I'm battling with Twitter. A short while ago, Twitter introduced a new "Easy to use!" way to reply to things, which is less messy and leaves more space for your reply. Essentially, the "New Reply" strips away everybody's @names, leaving just a single link back to the previous post. In many ways, this is a nice thing, as when you're in the middle of a conversation with 5 or 6 people, it can typically leave about 3 characters for your reply to fit in!! But there are ...
Views 24, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
#145 - 25th May 2015
Views 125, Upvotes 29  
Cooking , Chef
25th May 2015


Yesterday I started playing about with all the different gameplay styles that'll make up the majority of the levels in SpikeDislike3. If you're keeping track, you'll remember that WAY WAY way way way back in (URL "">SpikeDislike 1) (Made in 2011, still works on most/all iOS devices!) there was a nice little Challenge mode to keep you entertained. Unfortunately, it didn't have a whole lot of levels. 36 levels were more or less all...
Views 17, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
#144 - 24th May 2015
Views 80, Upvotes 20  
24th May 2015


Just when you think you're done with your menu system, you suddenly realise you've not got any options on the titlescreen! Whoops! (URL ""><img src="" alt="SD3_024" width="604" height="352" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4649" /> An hour or so later, and I'd half-wrangled old code with new, t...
Views 14, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
23rd May 2015


Yesterday I planned to do one thing, but ended up doing something completely different! I'm not entirely sure why, but it might've had something to do with me listening to an 80s compilation at the time. WARNING : Listening to music can seriously damage your planned development schedule! Suffice to say, my 80s themed theme now looks much more 80s themed, and I even created a silly "thing" for no good reason. (URL "
Views 13, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
BINGO! Pixelart
#142 - 22nd May 2015
Views 111, Upvotes 28  
Bingo , Platizens
22nd May 2015


Lots of background work, yesterday, as I continued to work on the menu system. (URL ""><img src="" alt="SD3_023" width="640" height="480" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4641" /> The two circles on the right currently show the topmost highscore of the level selected, as well as the last score. Now you c...
Views 16, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
20th May 2015


Yesterday was most definitely a day of two halves. In the morning, the world was colourful and happy. (URL ""><img src="" alt="SD3_018" width="604" height="352" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4635" /> But by the evening, they'd gotten all dull, worn out and grey. (URL "
Views 13, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
Rock Climbing Pixelart
#139 - 19th May 2015
Views 77, Upvotes 21  
19th May 2015


Ho, Ho, Ho!! (URL ""><img src="" alt="SD3_017" width="604" height="352" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4631" /> I don't know why this theme popped into my head, last night, but there it is! A wonderfully festive xmassy theme. Will this be part of the regular game, or will it only turn up at Xm...
Views 19, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
18th May 2015


Yesterday, I made this! (URL ""><img src="" alt="SD3_016" width="660" height="385" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4623" /> Taking sprites, sounds and music from (URL "">Invisible Munky 2), I quickly cobbled together a SpikeDislike2 theme, and re...
Views 81, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
17th May 2015


My first session of yesterday was spent fixing up the issues I had with the little fishy theme. I started by stripping out the fish, and replacing it with an Octopus, which although fundamentally the same sort of thing, looked a bit less weird when bouncing along the floor in the standard SpikeDislike style! So that turned out nicely. After that I tweaked a bit more of the standard engine, which is growing features every time I touch the thing, and fiddled about with a bit more m...
Views 14, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
4412 results 0 1 2 3 ... 150 (151) 152 ... 161 162 163 Prev Next
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AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai