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8th September 2010
54 games. Last year I only managed about 30-odd, so I think that's pretty good going. Sure, it might not have truely actually been A Game "Per" Week, but I did at least keep the ratio up. If I hadn't taken the time out to build the framework, I probably would've actually achieved the target a little better The stats show I was pretty much on top of things up until that point, but then things got slower and slower until my buffer zone was all dried up. Anyhoo, this is a nice big lengthy re...
Views 125, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
5th September 2010
54 games. Last year I only managed about 30-odd, so I think that's pretty good going. Sure, it might not have truely actually been A Game "Per" Week, but I did at least keep the ratio up. If I hadn't taken the time out to build the framework, I probably would've actually achieved the target a little better The stats show I was pretty much on top of things up until that point, but then things got slower and slower until my buffer zone was all dried up. Anyhoo, this is a nice big lengthy re...
Views 66, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
#200!!! Blog
13th July 2010
Is it really 200, already?! Blimey!

The quickly made retrospective "look at what you've done" post..

I started writing games as a kid, went through school making silly games, and ended up with not-much-at-all to show for it. <img src=""> <img src="">
Views 41, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
2nd July 2010
Hmm.. This iPhing dev is taking longer than my regular AGameAWeek stuff! But I'm learning, and I'm practising, and I'm breaking and fixing things, too! Today I got loading and saving to work, I got most of my menu working, and I even got the pause button going, too! I've popped in the regular "Platdude Jingle", figured it'd do for the meantime, and.. .. Well, it's looking and feeling much more like a game, now. The code is absolutely ghastly, mind, but that can be sorted. Hopefully! Okeydoke, ...
Views 59, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
25th June 2010
\o/ yeay \o/ <img src=""> Platdude finally got his name in a Magazine! Oh yeah, and congrats to Shadow1w2, who got his Monster Level in the screenshot
Views 123, Upvotes 21  
Reviewed , Media
9th June 2010
I'd planned to make a NeonPlat post, this morning.. But then, I've also planned to do WarioWare on Wednesdays.. .. and then there's the Music thing, which I've also decided to do on Wednesdays. ... Derp! So, looks like we're going to start having a Megapost every Wednesday, from here on. Aftermath, Music and More!
Views 50, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
8th June 2010
Views 62185, Upvotes 109  
Platdude , Action , Arcade , Remake , Neoplat
3rd June 2010
I'd planned to do my regular iPhing development learning thing today, but. Meh, bad head, can't think, not in the mood.. Never mind.. Instead, I'm playing about with NeonPlat2. <a href=""><img src=""></a> Blimey, where did that come from!?! I've been doodling sprites for the past couple of days, and today, just like the last time that I did N...
Views 40, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
19th May 2010
Third week of chaos, and... well, in honesty, this was all thrown together late last night! MacWeek really took it out of me, and I had no time, but hey! Still did it!! Game : Bully Bob - Bob needs to learn a lesson Game : Sea Pea, See - Can you See the Peas in the Sea? Music : Plat 2 - 12" remix of Platdude's Theme Comic : Click Here - Click for Awesome Meanwhile, Shadow1w2's been sending me some nice .mio programs. I've yet to...
Views 36, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
16th May 2010
With all the Mac stuff, I've not had a chance to do a new game. NOOoooooo!!!!!! I suppose I could rush something in the next 24 hours, but I'm much rather be playing with those extra trimming, and getting things a little nicer. First off, Gravity Bombs. Not touched it yet, but it definitely needs at least one tweak. .. the Mac's "Superior" (bah) Magic Mouse has a lot going for it, but it also has an inability to right click whilst holding down the left mouse button. Which is pretty much a require...
Views 34, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
7th May 2010
I've been considering doing this game over the past few weeks. When I started doing JNKPlat2010, I wondered how neat it would be to lock away a new NeonPlat in the game. (Around about the time I added the Arc around Platdude whenever he uses the Jetpack!) Today, I got this through the suggestions box. Friday 7th of May 2010 04:28:21 AM Name : DJgamer98 Idea : NeonPlat 2 Nicely put! Thing is, NeonPlat worked a lot like Centipong. It's nice, and it's great, bu...
Views 29, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
5th May 2010
Gettin' a wee bit messy, this week, isn't it.. hmm.. Lots going on, and commenting all over the place. Might need to do something about that.. Anyhoo... WarioWare DIY Thanks for the Wario-adds so far, and I'm glad to see there's some interesting games coming out of it. ExciteMike's getting some nice little games going, and I've been playing around with Shadow's little boss thing. Not really sure what was going on with that Platdude tune, though, Jiro!! Games will stay up unti...
Views 31, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
28th April 2010
Very rarely do I get feedback direct, other than from the few of you who seem to hang around here a lot, but there is feedback out there.. if you really hunt for it! This past couple of weeks have, as per usual, been all about the Two-Button-Jump. "OMG! Two!? WTF!" and so on. I can deal with those complaints, I've heard them many a time before, and even added the extra one-button rubbishy mode to help those who can't shut up about it. It's annoying, but what the hey. *fingers in ears* "La, La, La, ...
Views 50, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
21st April 2010
<a href="">DS Converts : Part One</a> As much as I tried to make the 2 versions compatible, I did mess a few things up along the way. Plungers and Darts move at a slightly different speed, and even Platdude runs at a different "steps-per-block" speed, too. It's not a whole lot of a difference, but there's enough changes to have broken some of the levels. So, rather than having a "Load my Levels" option, I'm doing things bit by bit, and ...
Views 74, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
20th April 2010
It's Platdude Time! <a href=""><img src=""></a> Guide Platdude through 45 puzzling platform levels, dodging darts, fleeing flames and always being mindful of mines! A nice and easy game, with more buttons than you'd probably care for. Cursors to move, Z to hold, X to jump left, C to jump right, and V for one single purpose!! How many levels can yo...
Views 55, Upvotes 9  
20th April 2010
Views 16289, Upvotes 93  
Platdude , Puzzle , Platformer
10th April 2010
Things aren't going too badly in the Level Editor. <a href=""><img src=""></a> A nice bar, Selectable objects, Test button, Tabs.. In many ways, things are about the same as they were before, and that's exactly how Platdude likes them! Keen observers might notice the lack of lights and switches. The whole purpose of the lights was to limit what the player could s...
Views 103, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
8th April 2010
<a href=""><img src=""></a> It's amazing that, a week and a bit later, there are still loads of old things that must be put into the game. I completely forgot about those little mines, and the TNT Plunger based mines, too! Then getting them all working on Travellators, too. Plenty of work.
Views 42, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
6th April 2010
Yeay! Platdude's on his way! Here's the first teaser.. Odd things to spot. 1. Framerate's a little quirky, because my screen-capture STILL sucks, even on the new fancy PC. Dangit. 2. No ingame audio, same reason. 3. Those aren't real levels!! Those are just made up to show off different things. 4. I made the music WAY too short, and couldn't fit all 8 video that I'd captured. Oh well, never mind, there's always the 2nd teaser! 5. The exit doesn't work yet, ...
Views 54, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
6th April 2010
No release yet, it's nearly ready, but still so far away! Not to worry, it's Platdude's month, so let's carry on. By the end of this month there'll be a PC version, and a Linux version, too. That's hopefully apparent by now. What I've not mentioned, yet, is my hopes to recreate this game onto other platforms. So let's talk about that, now.
Views 48, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
1st April 2010
I haven't really been updating this like I oughta be, so here's the "So Far" Day one (Tuesday 30th March 2010) Make it Big Decided to go with the "upped size" style, so set about redrawing all the old background tiles at a higher resolution. I considered making 50-odd brick tiles, and give them all a slight texture, but figured that'd kill your memory, so instead created an overlay texture that would be added to the screen once the game's done it's frame drawing....
Views 83, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
30th March 2010
Today I've made a start on the next JNKPlat. Everything will be sprite based, but MASSIVE compared to previous outings. Where previously they'd been 8x8 pixel tiles, this time around they're going to be 64x64 pixels. That's a 6400% size increase! (Assuming I did the maths right!) Look inside for the super high-resolution mock-shot!
Views 72, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
Mailbag! Blog
18th March 2010
August 26th 2009 That's the last time I did a Mailbag post! Blinkin' eck! Over the past 6/7 months, I've occasionally dipped into the mailbag and plucked out little snippets, but I figured it was about time I did a proper one. A few of these have already been posted, but there's a whole batch of new ideas here. Let's go!!! (There's a lot!!)
Views 44, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
10th March 2010
Ever since I came up with this whole MAR10 Costume idea, I've had three games in mind. 1. Ted Bob was a great game, and needed an update. By making it More Mario, I could easily add extra bits into the mix. Job done, turned out nicely. 2. "Monsters Upside Your Head" played bizarrely, but nicely! Redoing that in DK style seemed obvious, but didn't quite turn out exactly as expected. Job attempted, didn't turn out so great. 3. Munky running around with a Mario Costume on.. I'll b...
Views 76, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
18th February 2010
Today's updates. 1. A change of instruments 2. An accompaniment 3. More channel-specific so as to stop instrument overlap. 4. Properly integrated into Framework (the sample below is literally the test, no cut/splicing. just as is, from game start... including the JNKDitty)
Views 64, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
11th December 2009
Absolute chaos at the house of Jay, this week. First up, good news, that new PC I ordered MONTHS AGO (October 19th) has finally turned up.. *sigh* Annoyingly Windows 7 - 64bit refuses to work with either of the two USB->Ethernet connectors that I own, which basically means my entire network is now in a total mess. The new PC is lovely, and will do many things nicely, except that I can't access ANY of my stuff from the other PC. No coding templates, no music, no sound, not even a Platdude anywhere...
Views 66, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
NeonPlat Game
1st December 2009
Views 9791, Upvotes 55  
Action , Arcade , Platformer , Platdude , Neoplat
4411 results 0 1 2 3 ... 159 (160) 161 162 163 Prev Next
Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 265

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai