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Diamonds and Rocks? Blog
2nd November 2019
Currently thinking I might do a Boulderdash clone, for Browsercade, but I'm not sure how good I can make it in just a couple of days.

Don't be surprised if this ends up as a two-week game, instead.

I have the "Multiple Direction" concept from 8-bit Boulders that I could easily reuse, but that needed hand-made levels.
I'm not sure I can successfully auto-generate levels for a game like that..


In the mean time, Super Secret Side Project continues.
Yesterday I finally managed to get the project to save the file without corrupting it.
Splitting the file into chunks, editing the middle bit, then sandwiching it all back together without breaking headers and references and the like.
I can even rename the file, too! Wowsers!!

The next viability test actually requires some fairly extensive work before I can even begin to test it.
So, I guess this is the point where I need to decide if I'm definitely going ahead with the project or not.

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Daily Blog , Planning , Jxm
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 4

Blog - Diamonds and Rocks? - AGameAWeek