291 results (0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12th June 2024
Foldapuz's daily rescan is dying when it reaches Crypto Maths
Views 34, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
10th June 2024
Oh dear. My dearest Foldapuz. You once were the neatest of code.
Views 32, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog , Server , Foldapuz
25th January 2023
Views 8015, Upvotes 17  
Foldapuz , Logic , Chess
Treasure Game
23rd December 2022
Views 582, Upvotes 27  
Foldapuz , Puzzle , Logic
23rd December 2022
Another game added to the Foldapuz Play collection.
Views 75, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz , Play
18th December 2022
Got another game done yesterday.. Just about...
Views 78, Upvotes 26  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz , Play
Crossed Game
16th December 2022
Views 150, Upvotes 24  
Foldapuz , Word , Puzzle
Scrollbox Game
16th December 2022
Views 165, Upvotes 29  
Foldapuz , Word , Puzzle
16th December 2022
Time for another puzzle!
Views 80, Upvotes 25  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
12th December 2022
Another game added to the puzzle collection, in two halves.
Views 83, Upvotes 22  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
9th December 2022
Is everyone keeping up with this month's insane number of posts? Because I'm not sure I am!!
Views 66, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
8th December 2022
Another game added to Foldapuz Play!
Views 70, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
7th December 2022
Two more games to add to the archive, and a big bug to fix.
Views 69, Upvotes 21  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
3rd December 2022
Views 164, Upvotes 26  
Word , Puzzle , Foldapuz
3rd December 2022
I got Wordoku working in the new Foldapuz-Play engine, yesterday.
Views 70, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
2nd December 2022
Over at Foldapuz, the new Foldapuz-Play engine is taking shape.
Views 50, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
30th November 2022
Over on SoCoder, Spinal gave an extra suggestion for the forthcoming Foldapuz-Play puzzle engine..
Views 85, Upvotes 18  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
29th November 2022
Yesterday I spent some time working on the back-end of the upcoming Foldapuz-Play script.
Views 77, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
12th November 2022
Oh dear, we're going down a different path again!
Views 58, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog , Foldapuz
21st February 2022
Using just the five letters provided, but reusing them where necessary, how many words can you make? Give yourself points for longer words, and maybe double points if you use all five letters in a single word.. You can Play the game in your browser, or Print off a sheet of them, here.
Views 159, Upvotes 28  
Foldapuz , Release , Words
291 results (0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Site credits : Jayenkai made this.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 85

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai