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26th August 2009
It's that unexpected time, where I randomly choose to rummage through the bundles of silly game ideas, and pluck out the best/worst! Let's throw out the spam, and get started. .. FFS, there's a lot of spam! Don't ever put a blank form onto a webpage!! ... <hr> <img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/mailbag/09-aug-26/piperats.gif"> Wednesday 12th of August 2009 05:18:45 AM Name : Shitterwing Idea : what? add rats that pass through boxes and turn in...
Views 47, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog
26th August 2009
I've not had an LG Cookie for a few months, and instead picked up an LG Viewty. The viewty's fine, no probs, but I met a few guys over at the MyLGCookie.com forum, and it was a nice experience, other than the hundreds of idiots there! Alas, today, inexplicably, the MyLGCookie.com forum is no more.
Views 119, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
25th August 2009
A few weeks ago, someone who obviously hadn't played Centipong enough to enjoy it, decided to complain away on the comments. Shitterwing's complaint was as follows Omfg! I'd rather play Pong against Tetris (untahris), than th1s th1ngy Now, I don't mind complaints, but there's two things wrong with that complaint. 1. But... Centipong kicks ass!!!! 2. Pong vs Tetris? WTF is that!?
Views 257, Upvotes 40  
18th August 2009
Hello all, Welcome to year two! This year, I'll be keeping track of the weeks, and games, and things like that, so we can tally up as we go along. Week 1, Game 1, 1:1 ratio! Good stuff! This week's game isn't a game. It's more of a toy. If you've ever played Jam Sessions on the DS, you should know what to expect. And, yes, this is for RockBand/Guitar Hero guitars, so that'll probably rule a lot of you out. If it helps, I bought Rock Band for the X360, and it plugs right into windows without ne...
Views 153, Upvotes 21  
17th August 2009
Uhoh, here we go again! To be honest, I really wanted some time off. I planned to make a nice lengthy game, take my time, and maybe even finish off Patent Wars a bit, but as is usually the case.. I've written a game. Well, it's not really a game, it's more of a toy. A play thing, if you will. That's ready for release tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'm once again looking at all the various tools. I'm happy with Blitz3D, with my 2D-in-3D engine, but damn, the lack of mod is annoying. BlitzMax still has...
Views 50, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
12th August 2009
Microbes is (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/?p=203">here) : Capital letters don't work in the URL, but RetroGamer uses them anyway.. WebUser Magazine have a rather interesting idea. Each issue, they make a list of all the links included in that issue, and post it onto their forum. Lazy folk who can't be arsed to type can then go to that post on the forum and use that as they flick through the magazine. I honestly think it's a fantastic idea. Not only...
Views 86, Upvotes 17  
Daily Blog
12th August 2009
It's been a couple of weeks since I added the new Suggestion box, up there at the top right of the site. Let's take a peek at what ideas we've got.. Tuesday 28th of July 2009 08:10:03 PM Name : CodersRule Idea : make a shopping game! Not too sure about that one, CR. It'd probably end up as one of those "Thought it'd be good, turned out not to be" ideas. The Tamagotchi DS games spring to mind.. Thursday 30th of July 2009 06:06:45 AM Name : Cormac Idea : Some form of simple, yet entert...
Views 68, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
11th August 2009
Nope, not yet. We'll call it "On Hiatus", whilst I decide what to do next. Meanwhile, I'm not sure whether to bother with Flash. Or at least, not Flex, anyway. 'cos BOY, that shit's messy! 6 includes to get a square flying around a screen?! No thanks!! hAxe is moderately better, but I'm still not 100% sure about it. After that there's SoThink Quicker, which I downloaded a demo for, but couldn't run the demo because apparently I installed the demo on my system in May, and point blank forgot...
Views 39, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
9th August 2009
With the nice big experimental writeup complete, I figured we'd get a boost in visitors. Want to see the results?!! See inside!!
Views 52, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog
7th August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-one/">Part One), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-two/">Part Two), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-three/">Part Three), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-four/">Part Four), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-five/">Part Five)

The Home Stret...

Views 89, Upvotes 20  
Daily Blog
6th August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-one/">Part One), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-two/">Part Two), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-three/">Part Three), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-four/">Part Four), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-five/">Part Five)

10 weeks, 3 DS...

Views 80, Upvotes 26  
Daily Blog
5th August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-one/">Part One), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-two/">Part Two), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-three/">Part Three), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-four/">Part Four), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-five/">Part Five)

Back to work

Views 113, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog
3rd August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-one/">Part One), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-two/">Part Two), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-three/">Part Three), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-four/">Part Four), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-five/">Part Five)

Alien Deat...

Views 83, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog
3rd August 2009

The AGameAWeek 2008-2009 Retrospective

(URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-one/">Part One), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-two/">Part Two), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-three/">Part Three), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-four/">Part Four), (URL "https://www.agameaweek.com/2009/08/agameaweek-2008-2009-part-five/">Part Five)


Views 121, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog
1st August 2009
I'd like to start off Year 2 with abang. But this week has been entirely taken up with a multitude of other bits and pieces. I'm writing up a nice lengthy post (/set of posts, probably, 'cos it's a bit big!) about Year 1. I'll probably start to post those in a couple of days time. Probably Tuesday! But I need to get as much done as I can, first.. 'cos.. well, you know me, I'll probably forget halfway through!! So, there's that to do. And lots of it. If you're interested in the quicky version, you c...
Views 62, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
29th July 2009
Just a quick post, today. There's now a suggestion box, over on the righthand side of the site. |update| 2018 : This box has long since vanished. Tweet me your suggestions! |update| A simple form. Fill in name and suggestion, then blammo, gets sent to a huge file full of suggestions. For now, it's a private box full of ideas that I may or may not choose to use, but perhaps in the future I'll start posting some of those suggestions!! In other ne...
Views 71, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
28th July 2009
First things first, here's this week's AGameAWeek game. I've done a few dozen "Get the Greens" before, so I figured I'd keep this one short. Simply put, get the greens, and avoid the holes. No enemy this time, just you and the floor, so if you're nice and gentle you could probably get quite far through and score a decent score. As it stands, my highscore is currently 15 points. .. So, not a super-high-scoring game, but definitely one you could beat me at! Since I've made...
Views 127, Upvotes 20  
26th July 2009
I started a game, today. It was going to be a nice maze thing, but.. Well, I attempted to do it in 3D, and as you're probably well aware, I can't really do things in 3D! It all went pair shaped! I might give it another go tomorrow, but in 2D instead! Or, I might try something else. Not sure. Either way, if I'm still aiming for a game this week, I really oughta get a whole game done tomorrow!! fingers crossed!
Views 49, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
21st July 2009
Nice and big, specifically in the title, so as not to get ANYONE excited! I will be VERY surprised if anyone gives a rats ass about this week's .. um.. "game".. but here it is anyway. "Made for my cookie", although it's not a cookie anymore.. it's a viewty.. this J2ME Java App will allow you to play along with a real-world game of scrabble. See, lately I've been playing a LOT of Scrabble. I bought a ??40 "Scrabble 60th Anniversary Edition" set, thinking it's be all nice and lovel...
Views 257, Upvotes 26  
19th July 2009
I can't believe I've still not finished this yet! Seems that, no matter how much work I do on this game, it's still not quite done. This week, I finally decided on the complete "Not Chance" and "Not Community Chest" card selection. 12 of each, ready and waiting in the engine. Next, I added all those lovely patents. They're all in there, each one displaying on a nice little card, along with the creator's name. I haven't yet gotten around to actually printing the bulk of ...
Views 121, Upvotes 26  
Daily Blog , Patent Wars
13th July 2009
Aww. Didn't work. This week's Wednesday Workshop (#209) asked us to create a game with some kind of Gravity. If you've been following AGameAWeek for a while, you'll remember Puzzobomb. A nice puzzle game with Gravity. I also did MunkyBlocks as a kind of follow up. Well, this week I decided to try it again, but with rotational gravity, rather than plain gravity. As such, the block will fall in the direction they're placed. They ha...
Views 167, Upvotes 14  
7th July 2009
Not much this week, or at least, not as good as Microbes anyway! I decided to redo Raining Bombs, from a few weeks ago. The last one was for my Cookie phone, (which has since become a Viewty phone) and this one's for Windows. It looks more dramatic than it is! Two turrets that shoot each other over and over again. If you blast your enemy beneath the bottom of the screen, you win a point, and then it all starts all over again. No intro, no music, not even a "BANG!", more a subtle silent...
Views 145, Upvotes 19  
Microbes Blog
29th June 2009
A simple game, this week, but one that's already evolved quite a bit. As I mentioned the other day, I actually got this game done earlier on in the week, and it was quite a bit of fun even then. Since then, I've updated it a couple more times, and now it's even better than it was! woot!! The game is based on an Amiga game I once played many, many years ago. A simple design. You swirl around the outside of the arena, moving the mouse left and right. You fire with the Left Mouse But...
Views 524, Upvotes 40  
25th June 2009
Yesterday turned out rather well. I actually coded a complete game, from start to finish, logo, audio, everything, yesterday. It's pretty good, and will be our AGameAWeek come Tuesday. (Because, if I posted it today, there'd be nothing to post on Tuesday!!) Look forward to more shootyshooty stuff!
Views 116, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
23rd June 2009
Well, not all suck. Let's take a quick run through my week, shall we? Tuesday Posted last week's game, got prepared to work on PatentWars some more. Created a few nice looking player counters, got them moving around the board, all is well. <img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/counters.png"> Wednesday That little red counter looks really really neat. Attempted to mould it, somehow, into a Socoder logo. It worked! <img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/...
Views 114, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
17th June 2009
Last Wednesday I started a new project, it's since gotten out of hand and I need some ideas to help bring it all to a close. Let's start from the top. Over at the MyLGCookie forums, someone asked if there was a nice touchscreen Monopoly. As usual, Jay jumps in and says "Yeah, that'll be nice and easy" ... It's not! See, rather than getting my ass sued off, I decided to make it "But a bit different", and the idea I came up with was to use Patents. Instead of houses and hotels, you ...
Views 124, Upvotes 12  
Daily Blog
15th June 2009
At the start of this week, I completed a nice quick game of Atoms for my phone, so here's that.. It's a classic Amiga PD game from many many years ago. Tap to place an atom, place too many to explode them, capture all the tiles you can. Simple gameplay, but lots of fun! You can Download Atoms here For the rest of this week, I've been working on a mock board-game. Confined to the rules of board, it's been fun creating a game that could conceivably exist in the real world. Unf...
Views 85, Upvotes 18  
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Site credits : Jayenkai put all his heart and soul into everything you can see on this site.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 139

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai