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This Week...
28th August 2010
This weekend I'm planning on doing a nice big happy writeup about Year 2.
I'll be hopping through and replaying all my year's games, and jotting down little should/shouldn't's about each one. I might even take the time to record a few seconds of each and then build up a nice big Year-2 Video.
That'd be nice!!
Meanwhile, I can't sit still, and have already begun a new'ish game.
<img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/possibleNeoPlat.png">
Views 108, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
25th August 2010
... FFS, I can't count.
FiftyFOUR weeks, FiftyFOUR games.
Even with a miscount, I still managed to equal the weeks:games ratio.
Lovely stuff!
Here's the stats, straight from GoogleDocs
and here's a great big blue and red google graph, looking all lovely and linely!
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/AGAW_Y2_Chart.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/AGAW_Y2_Chart_thumb.png"></a>
Views 41, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
24th August 2010
Fred is a happy Flea, and he loves to hop.
He especially loves it when all the Dandelions are casting their seeds around in the air, as he can grab on, and go for a ride.
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Fred_the_Parachuting_Flea_20100824A.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Fred_the_Parachuting_Flea_20100824A_thumb.png"></a>
Views 200, Upvotes 14
24th August 2010
Keep Fred in the air, by hopping him from floating pieces of Dandelion Pollen (achene, if you wish to be specific!)
Views 2967, Upvotes 38
Cardagain DS!
22nd August 2010
As promised, here's a quickly bundled together edition of Cardagain DS.
I'm not sure if folk'll play it, since nobody seems to play it, so I haven't spent a lot of time on it.
It's the absolute basics that are needed.
<img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Cardagain_DS_20100822B.png">
Views 209, Upvotes 16
Cardagain DS
22nd August 2010
Views 2214, Upvotes 39
Coming up...
21st August 2010
Tuesday, Fred the Parachuting Flea.
Needs a few "I didn't get that!!!?" kinda tweaks, but it otherwise working nicely.. If I drop dead tomorrow, at least the game's ready for release
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Daily Blog
18th August 2010
Step 1.
Place an indie game into a copy of your magazine.
Step 2.
<img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/webuser_July152010.png">
Step 3.
In this case, Webuser failed to tell me that NeonPlat2 was in their July 15th 2010 issue.
As such, I haven't bought it.
They 100% lost a sale, because had I known I was in it, I would've damn well bought it.
I have three other copies of WebUser in my "Black box filled with magazines that my games are in"
But now...
Views 133, Upvotes 24
Y2:W51 - Kee Bo Ard
16th August 2010
Kept the random title.. It'll do!
Not sure if it works better as "Kee, Bo and Ard", or just "Kee Bo Ard", but either way, here we have it!
Kee, Bo and Ard must all be guided through the maze. They have to collect all the pickups, and once they're all done, you can progress to the next level.
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Kee_Bo_Ard_20100817B.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Kee_Bo_Ard_20100817B_thumb.png"></a>
Hit Z/X to switch between character...
Views 122, Upvotes 13
This week...
15th August 2010
Ah, back to the old routine!
I had promised a new Sheriff Munky game, this week, but I think it's got the lurgy! Every time I touch it, it brings horrible memories of the past couple of week's deadness, and I can't seem to get on with the game.
So, this morning, I happily scrapped it, and started work on a completely different project.
If you've played Sensitive <a href="https://spinalcode.co.uk/">(Spinal made a nice DS one)</a> you'll recognise this game.
<img ...
Views 34, Upvotes 11
Daily Blog
Y2:W50 - *sigh*
9th August 2010
Last Sunday I had the worst migraine I've had in ages. Ack!!
For the rest of last week I felt mostly drained, not much energy, and I haven't really done too much of anything.
This weekend I think I just plain gave up and have spent about 48 hours asleep!
Views 53, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
OK, Now What?>
5th August 2010
Authentic Kaizen ((URL "https://PixelProspector.com">pixelprospector.com), ideaman behind NeonPlat) has sent a few new game ideas. Some are short and sweet, but the most tempting one feels like it needs a little care and attention.
I feel like I want to do something with it, but am struggling to come up with a way to compress it into a week's worth of code.
I think, what I might actually do, is leave it a few weeks.
Once I hit the 52nd week of year 2, and another whole year's worth of games, I'll b...
Views 37, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
Y2:W49 - Cardagain!
3rd August 2010
Incase you hadn't heard already, I released my first iPhing game, last Wednesday night.
This week, I'm releasing the Win/Lin/Mac testbed version of the very same game.
Think of this as a promotional item, of sorts, but also as a "Let's try new things" ideas edition.
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Cardagain_20100803A.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Cardagain_20100803A_thumb.png"></a> <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Cardagain_20100803B.p...
Views 136, Upvotes 13
Daily Blog
3rd August 2010
Views 2518, Upvotes 44
31st July 2010
This wasn't planned, but I'm pissing about with Cardagain again!
So, I might as well kill two birds with one stone.
I've spent a few hours rebuilding my original BlitzMax version of Cardagain, and I'm going to add a few test bits and pieces onto it (to see what does/doesn't work) before then transferring them back over to the iPhings.
Meanwhile, I can post that nice new super-hi-def Cardagain here, and you guys can all play it.
That'll be Tuesday's game, and it'll also be the thing taking up all my ti...
Views 69, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
29th July 2010
I'll post Mac and Linux editions of this tomorrow, but I just want to make sure it's working for all the PC Peeps first..
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/MICROBE2_20100705.zip">Here's a rerelease of Microbe2</a>, with ONLINE SCOREBOARDS!!!
And those keyboard controls that everyone apparently wanted..
Lemmie know how it goes! Ta
Views 60, Upvotes 11
Daily Blog
Cardagain iPod
29th July 2010
In true "Better late than never" style, Apple got their act together exactly 7 days after I uploaded the game.
That might be fast for a massive company like Apple, but it's a long long time in the world of AGameAWeek!
No matter, the game's up and running, and you can buy it at the AppStore for 59p! Bargain!
Now that I know I'm not breaking things, I'll be having a wee bit more fun with the iPhings, but worry not. AGAW will still be here, and I'll still be making plenty of freebie games for you.
Views 56, Upvotes 8
Daily Blog
Y2:W48 - Nuffin :(
26th July 2010
A missed week.
They're quite rare, nowadays, but there we go.
If Apple could get their act together, I could've said "Y2:W48 : Cardagain iPod", but.. guess that's not happening any time soon.
Nearly a whole week since I submitted my game, and still no feedback at all.
So, what HAVE I been doing this week?
Views 40, Upvotes 11
Daily Blog
This Week...
25th July 2010
Or, rather, I've nothing planned at all.
It's Sunday morning, I've not started a game and I have no ideas.
... or at least, nothing that can be done in the next few hours, anyway.
Maybe I will, maybe I won't, but I probably won't.
I already said the other day that I'd be taking this week off, to handle all the Highscore stuff, but that idea kinda exploded in size, in my head, and is now (probably) going to take a lot longer than planned. Stupid ideas, need to put a lock on my brain!!
Views 74, Upvotes 12
Daily Blog
23rd July 2010
Although, I did say that last week, too!
Never mind..
Read inside for techy stuff!
Views 53, Upvotes 10
Daily Blog
AGameAWeek Two!
20th July 2010
Looking at the stats, either everyone decided to leave when I released NeonPlat (Why?!) or folk started to get upset when I mentioned my attempts at iPhing Development.
I'm not sure which, but there's certainly been an awkward shift.
So, I'm going to split things up.
Even though my iPod Development won't be "AGameAWeek" (or at least, not for a long long while) I've still decided to call my new site AGameAWeek iDev. Because, what the heck, that's my brand now! I might as well s...
Views 50, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
20th July 2010
This week's game came out a whole lot better than I'd expected it to.
It's still not fantastic, but given that the game only just started to fall into place yesterday, it's not turned out so bad.
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Chuffed_Tracks_20100720A.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Chuffed_Tracks_20100720A_thumb.png"></a> <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Chuffed_Tracks_20100720B.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Ch...
Views 154, Upvotes 27
Jay's Train Game..?
19th July 2010
Still no name for the train game, so it's currently named "Jay's Train Game"! silly name!
It's a bit more gamey, now.
Some sort of cross between a proper sim-type thing, and a cheap arcade game! Odd.
Needs a few more "This is happening" type notifications, but it's all falling into place.
No idea if it'll all be done by the morning, but it's closer than it was yesterday, and it feels a lot more like I've bothered to plan it out!!!
<a href="https://socoder.net/upload...
Views 91, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
This Week...
18th July 2010
This week I've drawn a train, and some tracks, and am currently in the midst of desperately trying to get the train to behave upon said tracks.
So far, it's a stuggle!
Trying to get each carriage to turn at the right time, trying to account for the 30-odd track pieces that I've drawn, and trying not to make it look rubbish.
meh, what can you do!
<img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/tighttrain.png">
It looks a wee bit unrealistic, but it gets the job done!
(hint for future Jay ...
Views 34, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
JNKPlat 2010 - 150+!
15th July 2010
Not quite the 200 I was hoping for when I asked for levels the other week.
Only Shadow1w2 sent any in
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Daily Blog