A simple snowfall effect here.
Nothing special, again.
Honestly, it's just sprites moving down the screen, rotating and scaling.
I considered making a nice expanding frost effect around the screen for this one, but I couldn't quite pull it off. Instead, then, just as plain as can be.
There's cold icy snowflakes and not much more.
Maybe tomorrow will be better, but as I type this, I've nothing started yet, so I'm as interested to see what that might be as you are!
[Dave's apartment is a chaotic mess of DIY tools. He's precariously balanced on a chair. Green enters, narrowly avoiding stepping on a drill.]
Green: (shocked) Dave!? What on earth?
Dave: (excitedly) Don't worry. Nothing's gone wrong, Green! I'm just hanging up your masterpiece!
Green: (sarcastically) And you needed the entire contents of a hardware store for that?
Dave: (defensively) Well, I want to make sure it's secure. What if it falls and breaks the Cola Genie's summoning circle?
Green: (exasperated) Dave, it's a painting, not a portal to another dimension.
Dave: (ignoring Green) Hey, can you pass me that jigsaw? I think I need to cut a hole in the wall to make sure it's level.
Green: (alarmed) A jigsaw? For hanging a picture? Dave, no!
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Room - Afternoon
[The room is even messier. Dave is tangled in a mess of wires, holding a drill.]
Dave: (triumphantly) Almost there, Greenie! Just need to drill five more holes.
Green: (sarcastically) Oh yes, because nothing says 'secure' like Swiss cheese walls.
Dave: (excitedly) Ooh, that gives me an idea! What if I program the drill to create a fractal pattern? It'll be art within art!
Green: (panicking) Dave, no! Put the drill down!
Dave: (ignoring Green) Don't worry, I've linked the drill to my computer. What could go wrong?
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Room - Evening
[The room looks like a disaster zone. The painting is hanging crookedly, surrounded by countless holes. Dave is beaming proudly.]
Dave: (proudly) There! Perfect!
Green: (sarcastically) Yes, because nothing says 'perfect' like a wall that looks like it's been through a war.
Dave: (excitedly) It's like the painting is emerging from a mathematical fractal dimension!
Green: (sighing) Dave, it looks like a drunk woodpecker had a field day.
Dave: (suddenly panicking) Wait! What if the Cola Genie can't find his way through the fractal holes? Quick, we need more Coke!
[Green Leaves]
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