I'm not really sure what got me thinking about bikes, yesterday.
Well, I kinda do. It was golf balls.
I thought "What if you played Golf in a dungeon?" at some point yesterday, but the plan in my head fell to pieces when I realised I'd played Golf-but-unusual a hundred or more times in recent years. And if you haven't played "What The Golf?" I heartily recommend doing so. It's available on most good game-marketplaces, is great on Switch, or if you have Apple Arcade, you can find it in there, too.
So, what else is there? .. Bikes?
Bikes in a dungeon?
A BMX Adventure?
That could possibly work, right?
I think I might try that, then. I can sort of picture a vague idea for a game, but I'm not sure if I can pull it off in as adventurous way as I'd like.
Guess I'd better get some more planning done, and then figure out exactly what sort of game this is.
Lyrics : Half me, Half ChatGPT
Sound Imported : Precarious Position .. Which I realised hadn't been posted to my archive, but is now uploaded as part of 2015 - Trashcan.
I wonder if I could maybe make a game about a bike,
About a kid who rides it through a dungeon lit up by a light.
Will you find amazing treasures or be scared away by dragons,
Riding fast away from danger, grabbing all the gems with just a bag on.
Bmx Ranger, escape from danger,
Pedal even faster t'wards the daylight. (cha cha cha)
Gotta keep going from the lava flowing,
Pedal fast, little kiddie, and escape from inside the dungeon.
Zipping past skeletons and monsters, jumping over traps,
The wheels spin fast as cobwebs catch,
On the handlebars, through the winding halls
And secret doors, You'll never fall.
BMX Ranger, escape from danger,
Pedal even faster t'wards the daylight. (cha cha cha)
Gotta keep going from the lava flowing,
Pedal fast, little kiddie, and escape from inside the dungeon.
Will you outpace the shadows that chase?
Will you survive this frantic race?
A heart that's brave, a spirit that’s free,
Riding through the dungeon of mystery!
BMX Ranger, escape from danger,
Pedal even faster t'wards the daylight. (cha cha cha)
Gotta keep going from the lava flowing,
Pedal fast, little kiddie, and escape from inside the dungeon.
Ext. Dave's Garden
[Dave is balanced precariously on a ladder, drilling into his external wall. The drill makes concerning grinding noises]
Green: Are you ok up there?
Dave: Just a bit more... Lady Computer needs her fizzy connection!
Green: Dave, remember what happened last time you drilled through walls?
Dave: No.
Green: You remember the Bunker, right?
Dave: Oh yeah.
Green: And you're sure you're ok up there?
Dave: Trust me! This is just as easy as installing a new graphics card!
Green: That doesn't usually end well for you, either.
[Dave creates a hole large enough to thread cables through]
Dave: Now we just need to connect the fizz-detection sensors...
Green: Should those wires be sparking like that?
Dave: That's just excess effervescence!
Green: No, looks kinda dangerously electrically sparking.
Dave: That's the old Cola system saying goodbye. Like a farewell party!
[Steve appears over the garden fence, watching the chaos]
Steve: Is that... safe?
Dave: Safe as my Cola-proofed oven!
Steve: In what way is an oven Cola Proof?
Dave: The best way.
Steve: [looking at Greenie, worryingly] How is a regular oven not Cola Proof?
Green: It's best not to ask questions like that.
Dave: OK, I think we're ready to fizz.
[The wall starts making concerning noises]
Dave: Right. Pass me the fizz-plug.
Green: [looks around] I don't know what that is.
Dave: The rubber bit to seal all the fizzies in.
Green: In where? The wall?
Dave: That's the one.
[End credits roll as bubbling sounds get increasingly louder and Dave tries to convince everyone that the foam coming from the wall socket is "perfectly normal carbonation adjustment"]
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:23: Thinking About Bikes - AGameAWeek