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🐄⛏️ - 03 - An Exciting Blog Entry! Blog
3rd February 2025
Oooh, oooh, it's time to unlock last week's Patreon game!!


In BMXVenture, guide one of the riders as far through the dirt-track as you can. Don't fall off, or you'll fall to your doom.. .. for some reason.
There's 3 pre-defined tracks, and a random track option, as well as 4 incredibly slightly different riders to ride through the tracks with.
Isn't it exciting!!

You can Play BMXVenture here.


More tweaking to JSE's sound system.

I've stripped out the "impulse_nnn.wav" echo files from the engine.
It's been 4 years since I started this, and impulse waves can now magically be generated in-engine! Oooooh!

With the help of a couple of the AI chatbots, I now have the whole set of echoes converted from being great big .wav files to just being a code function. Luvly stuff.
(Though, a couple of echo styles might sound more than a little different. apologies for that, this isn't an exact science!)

I still can't figure out why the mp3 music won't play with the echoes, though. Having one heck of a time with that, likely because it's an audio stream I think. Not sure. Weird issue...
But everything else is now golden.

// Echo Styles // by Jayenkai // Created 2021/6/29 e=0 SetEcho e Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS 30,30,80 ResetDraw;SetFontSize 16 hit=MouseHit() If MouseIn(256,64,320,32,1) and hit e=e+1 SetEcho e if GetEcho()=="Off" then e=0 Endif SetCol 80,80,80;Rect(256,64,320,32,1); SetCol 255,255,255 Text 256,64,"Echo '"+GetEcho()+"'",1 SetFontSize 6 y=160 x=96;nm="Beep_1"; Gosub Button x=256;nm="Beeper_Fruit_Bonus"; Gosub Button x=416;nm="Beeper_Rise"; Gosub Button y=y+48 x=96;nm="Drum_Low"; Gosub Button x=256;nm="Animal_Quack"; Gosub Button x=416;nm="Error_2"; Gosub Button y=y+48 x=96;nm="Explode_High_2"; Gosub Button x=256;nm="Explode_Low_5"; Gosub Button x=416;nm="Explode_Low_7"; Gosub Button y=y+48 x=96;nm="Hurt_3"; Gosub Button x=256;nm="Jump_3"; Gosub Button x=416;nm="Lazer_3"; Gosub Button y=y+48 x=96;nm="Noise_Crunch"; Gosub Button x=256;nm="Noise_Spray_2"; Gosub Button x=416;nm="Noise_Stomp"; Gosub Button y=y+48 x=96;nm="Sonniss_Rock_2"; Gosub Button x=256;nm="Sonniss_Plasmagun"; Gosub Button x=416;nm="Sonniss_Swish_2"; Gosub Button Flip Forever .Button SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) Return

There may be (*will likely be) the odd "pop", at the moment, whilst I try to balance the output of all the different echo styles, but otherwise it should be good to go.

The result of all of today's work is that the base is now about 1.5Mb smaller. So .. \o/yeay\o/
Plus it makes it easier for me to tweak the Echo function in future, so you can have a couple of new parameters to play with. But those can wait, 'cos I need a sleep!!

.. I also need to start work on next week's game.

Meanwhile, Meanwhile...

Oh yeah, and I posted this week's AGameAWeek late last night, too, because why not!
Let's have a crazy day of releases!!!
If I'm doing one Patreon-First game a month, this is going to be happening every month, isn't it?

Anyway, the first game for the month is a simple Foldapuz game. It's not too hard, but it's another of those "numbers, grid, tiles" games that Foldapuz seems to be full of.
I really do need to think outside the boxes for future Foldapuz games, I think.
Suggestions, as always, are welcome.

You can Read a little more about Moo Mines here.

A.I. Corner

Sound Imported : JNKPlat DS theme

: Download | Suno Link

"Cartoon Derek playing a game on his Nintendo DS "JNKPlat".
(Background is repeating yellow, orange and cyan diagonal stripes)" by Replicate/Flux

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Blog - 🐄⛏️ - 03 - An Exciting Blog Entry! - AGameAWeek