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28th September 2015


NPA2 is now NPCA, as it finally finds a proper title, "NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventure". I spent about 5 or 6 hours trying out various programs desperate to find a nice way to get a properly designed logo that would curve around the edge of the planet. In the end, I did what I usually did, and opted to just do the bloomin' thing myself. Ingredients 1. (URL "">BlitzMax) 2. Selection of Fonts from (URL "">10...
Views 15, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
Vet School Pixelart
#270 - 27th September 2015
Views 115, Upvotes 30  
Wildlife , Pet , Ralph
27th September 2015


Yesterday I spent far too long attempting something that, inevitably didn't actually go anywhere. As I continue on my alphabetised fixups of OUYA games, I found myself reaching Boxsplodings. I've never been happy with the fact that there are "only" 64 levels in this game, and last night I attempted to make a random level generator for the game. Unfortunately, all resulting attempts ended up looking boring, dull, and somewhat similar. More work on that, in the future, I reckon. ...
Views 12, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Commander Plat Pixelart
#269 - 26th September 2015
Views 107, Upvotes 34  
Space , Vehicle
26th September 2015


The first of my games finally passed through PlayJam/GameStick review, yesterday. (Good to know that ONLY took 5 days, even though I was on "the fast track"!! Compare that to the fact that OUYA's reviewed all 5 of the games I've so far uploaded!) A very thorough review, where the only complaints were as follows. 1. If you pause the game, go into the menu, turn off the music, then turn it back on, it doesn't actually restart until you've quit the game. This has been a "feat...
Views 17, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Argh! Shark!! Pixelart
#268 - 25th September 2015
Views 113, Upvotes 26  
Tv , Happy Days
25th September 2015


I'm seriously struggling to remember what all I did, yesterday! I oughta keep a note of these things. I know I uploaded another game to OUYA and PlayJam, and I also know I spent a good hour or so tweaking NeonPlat Adventures 2.. .. But I can't, for the life of me, remember what it was that I actually did!! I blame the cat, who woke me up far too early, which led to a day of messing about and not really accomplishing much, before finally heading back to bed for a "short nap"...
Views 11, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
24th September 2015


Yesterday, I finally (*finally!!*) got around to adding a life display to NeonPlat Adventures 2! (URL ""><img src="" alt="NPA2_017" width="604" height="352" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-5060" /> There they are at the top, between the score and the "coin" count. Two little NeonPlats doing ...
Views 11, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
23rd September 2015


So, with all my games now missing from OUYA, it's time to start popping them all back on again. One by one, I'm opening old code, fixing up any issues, and getting the games updated to the newer framework. The new controller code is a piece of piss, since I did all that work in the Monkey Target part of Monkey. Essentially, I need only hit the recompile button, and the new controller code magically fits itself into the game. The tricky part is adding a "Quit Game" menu item to...
Views 21, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
Lock Keeper Pixelart
#264 - 21st September 2015
Views 112, Upvotes 28  
Canal , Vehicle
21st September 2015


Yesterday was spent doing four tasks. 1. Converting recent ALChoons to work with NeonPlat's ingame music engine. Not all of them were a success, mind! Some of the more frantic choons ended up being a bit of a mess, so have been scrapped. 2. Recreating some of the "Hat" powerups from NeonPlat Adventures 1. I've now turned all 6 of the turret enemies into "8 bullets" hats. I'm not sure how to display "bullets remaining", as at the moment, the character's looking a bit .. um.. ...
Views 13, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
My Pet Snail Pixelart
#263 - 20th September 2015
Views 91, Upvotes 17  
20th September 2015


Bah, things are always more complicated, aren't they? When I first started doing OUYA games, I would happily throw up the .apk's without any Certificates or Signing, because realistically they're freeware, so who cares.. Right!? Plus.. "It's easier this way, just throw them up.. when are you ever going to update them, anyway!?!?!?" Well, as per usual, that's come back to bite me in the arse. I can't update those, because since creating them I've bought a new laptop, upgrade...
Views 24, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
In the Garage Pixelart
#262 - 19th September 2015
Views 87, Upvotes 21  
19th September 2015


After finally getting my Forge/NewYA stuff working, I figured I should let TeamOUYA take a look at what I've got so far. The feedback was roughly "Needs an Exit button". Because the Forge doesn't have the big obvious "OUYA BUTTON" that the OUYA controller has, it's much harder to assume the player has a single button to exit the game. As such, I spent a fair amount of time, yesterday, adding a Quit button into my frameworks. I now need to replace old menus with new menus, incorp...
Views 12, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
18th September 2015


Yesterday's devtime was mostly spent tackling the Controller code for future (and past) OUYA games, so that it works nicely with the new Forge TV doohickey. After a lot of tweaking, poking and prodding, I finally got my framework to work with a whole variety of different Android targets, from a single compile. This *should* mean that any future OUYA.apk's will work happily on all devices, instead of requiring both an OUYA special edition and a stock Android version. The Store stu...
Views 15, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
#260 - 17th September 2015
Views 95, Upvotes 18  
Gaming , Wii , Sports , Bowling
17th September 2015


Last night I started to reimplement a host of the alternative bad guys. So far I'd only been using a single set of 7 for all my testing, but now it's time to ramp it all up a bit. I need a bunch of enemies, alongside a variety of stylesheets, before things start to look nice and varied, ingame. (URL ""><img src="" alt="NPA2_015" width="604" ...
Views 8, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
16th September 2015


All the main pieces of the menu system are now in place. Or at the very least, you can now start the bloomin' game again!! ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> Pick a World, pick a Zone, start the game, get through or die, complete levels to unlock more worlds, rinse, repeat! The basics are in. The generator's generating, the levels are selectable, and that's...
Views 15, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
The Flame Pixelart
#258 - 15th September 2015
Views 92, Upvotes 19  
Sports , Olympics
15th September 2015


The first half of the new menu system is now complete. You can select a World from one of the many that are onscreen, and it opens up to give you a larger view of the world. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> The plan is that each world contains 5 zones, and they'll be selectable from this second screen, except that I've not actually done that bit yet! Bah! S...
Views 27, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
14th September 2015


Spent most of yesterday doing much of the same thing as I did the day before, which is working on that new menu system. It's now scrolling nicely, and the buttons all work, and the worlds are in there to replace the bland blue circles. I've also added little notifiers for each world, so you can tell how many of the 15 levels you've completed. (URL ""><img src="
Views 28, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
13th September 2015


Yesterday I started formulating the main menu of this game. It's going to work a lot like ChuckABall did, in that there'll be a lot of levels within world, making up a huge collection overall. But, right now, it's nothing to look at. There's a long line of blue circles with numbers in them, and a starfield in the background, and that's about it. And that took me all bloomin' day!! (URL ""><img src="https://AG...
Views 14, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
On Patrol Pixelart
#255 - 12th September 2015
Views 139, Upvotes 26  
Moon , Creature
12th September 2015

Super Mario Maker!

After waiting until 3:30 in the afternoon, the game finally showed up. Bah, humbug! If you'd like to play some of my oddities, I am (of course) Jayenkai in the Miiverse doohickey. I *think* it's that easy, anyway. Not sure!


...Waiting for the game to turn up gave me plenty of time to add a level ending to my levels, which takes the form of a lovely swirly line which teleports you off to the next level. ( width="560" height="315" src="https://www....
Views 24, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
Hashtag-Selfie Pixelart
#254 - 11th September 2015
Views 137, Upvotes 32  
11th September 2015


A simple and easy titlescreen has now been added to the levels. At the moment it simply says World XXXX Y Z, but in future I'll have it showing stats and icons and things, too. I'll try, of course, not to make it too cluttered, but it does at least need an icon for the level style, alongside a your current number of remaining lives. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Views 81, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
4412 results 0 1 2 3 ... 143 (144) 145 ... 161 162 163 Prev Next
Site credits : If you can see it, Jayenkai did it.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 269

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai